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COG category: Intracellular trafficking and secretion
Genomic element: chromosome

Number of genes found: 124

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Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Typhi str. CT18, CT18
NameLocus tagProduct / DescriptionGenomic elementTypeBeginLengthStrandGC-content
NA STY4392 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS4252698 1125 + 0.536
NA STY4452 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS4322993 633 + 0.341232
NA STY2907 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS2788477 432 + 0.578704
NA STY0352 probable secreted proteinchromosome CDS360350 408 - 0.465686
NA STY0546 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS554197 453 - 0.602649
NA STY2050 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS1915387 555 - 0.481081
NA STY1539 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS1493553 666 - 0.531532
NA STY2876 putative type I secretion proteinchromosome CDS2754433 1410 + 0.569504
NA STY1045 putative bacteriophage proteinchromosome CDS1028101 261 + 0.421456
NA STY1805 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS1724211 486 - 0.493827
NA STY4456 putative type-I secretion proteinchromosome CDS4325000 1308 + 0.365443
NA STY4453 putative integral membrane proteinchromosome CDS4323622 1389 + 0.365011
NA STY4562 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS4442121 2091 + 0.470588
NA STY0405 puative autotransporter/virulence factorchromosome CDS416740 2886 + 0.452529
NA STY1334 putative proteasechromosome CDS1291577 1047 + 0.542502
NA STY1303 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS1263048 648 + 0.50463
bcfA STY0024 fimbrial subunitchromosome CDS24473 543 + 0.521179
bcfB STY0025 fimbrial chaperonechromosome CDS25116 687 + 0.512373
bcfD STY0029 fimbrial subunitchromosome CDS28429 1008 + 0.502976
bcfE STY0030 fimbrial subunitchromosome CDS29437 546 + 0.47619
bcfF STY0031 fimbrial subunitchromosome CDS29998 519 + 0.558767
bcfG STY0032 fimbrial chaperonechromosome CDS30509 705 + 0.541844
ccmD1 STY2477 heme exporter protein D1chromosome CDS2308342 213 - 0.694836
ccmD2 STY3962 heme exporter protein D2chromosome CDS3832194 213 + 0.694836
clpP STY0490 ATP-dependent Clp protease proteolytic subunitchromosome CDS495358 624 + 0.511218
cpxP STY3811 extracytoplasmic stress protein for protein-mediated toxicitieschromosome CDS3674335 501 - 0.506986
exbB STY3332 biopolymer transport ExbB proteinchromosome CDS3175691 735 - 0.555102
exbD STY3331 biopolymer transport ExbD proteinchromosome CDS3175259 426 - 0.502347
ffh STY2864 signal recognition particle proteinchromosome CDS2733112 1362 - 0.549192
fimA STY0589 type-1 fimbrial protein, a chain precursorchromosome CDS596077 555 + 0.54955
fimC STY0592 fimbrial chaperone proteinchromosome CDS597283 693 + 0.494949
fimD STY0593 outer membrane usher protein FimD precursorchromosome CDS598006 2613 + 0.558362
fimF STY0595 fimbria-like protein FimF precursorchromosome CDS601650 519 + 0.543353
flgM STY1211 negative regulator of flagellin synthesis (anti-sigma factor)chromosome CDS1167321 294 - 0.510204
flgN STY1210 flagella synthesis protein FlgNchromosome CDS1166894 423 - 0.541371
flhA STY2122 flagellar biosynthesis proteinchromosome CDS1973172 2079 - 0.560847
flhB STY2123 flagellar biosynthesis proteinchromosome CDS1975243 1152 - 0.559028
fliE STY2176 flagellar basal body proteinchromosome CDS2019614 315 - 0.546032
fliF STY2177 flagellar M-ring proteinchromosome CDS2020145 1683 + 0.568033
fliH STY2179 flagellar assembly proteinchromosome CDS2022808 708 + 0.607345
fliI STY2180 flagellum-specific ATP synthasechromosome CDS2023515 1371 + 0.598833
fliJ STY2181 flagellar proteinchromosome CDS2024907 444 + 0.513514
fliN STY2185 flagellar motor switch proteinchromosome CDS2028154 414 + 0.545894
fliP STY2187 flagellar biosynthesis proteinchromosome CDS2028944 738 + 0.536585
fliQ STY2188 flagellar biosynthesis proteinchromosome CDS2029691 270 + 0.514815
fliR STY2189 flagellar biosynthesis proteinchromosome CDS2029969 795 + 0.509434
fliS STY2169 flagellar protein FliSchromosome CDS2014368 408 + 0.497549
ftsY STY4240 cell division proteinchromosome CDS4105776 1476 + 0.550813
hofB STY0165 protein transport protein HofBchromosome CDS169466 1386 - 0.553391
hofC STY0164 protein transport protein HofCchromosome CDS168274 1203 - 0.541978
hofQ STY4308 type II secretion system proteinchromosome CDS4186144 1239 + 0.567393
hopD STY4356 Type III leader peptidasechromosome CDS4232125 468 - 0.523504
invA STY3019 possible secretory protein (associated with virulence)chromosome CDS2890400 2058 - 0.455782
invG STY3021 secretory protein (associated with virulence)chromosome CDS2893597 1689 - 0.463588
lepB STY2828 signal peptidase Ichromosome CDS2689868 975 - 0.533333
lspA STY0056 signal peptidase IIchromosome CDS56686 501 + 0.516966
orgAb STY2990 cell invasion proteinchromosome CDS2865811 672 - 0.449405
pilQ STY4545 nucleotide-binding proteinchromosome CDS4429110 1716 + 0.545455
pilR STY4546 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS4430822 1086 + 0.563536
pilT STY3252 Type II secretion, ATP-binding, proteinchromosome CDS3115630 981 - 0.574924
pilU STY4549 prepilin peptidasechromosome CDS4433025 663 + 0.536953
pilV STY4550 prepilinchromosome CDS4433684 1308 + 0.502294
ppdD STY0166 prepilin peptidase dependent protein D precursorchromosome CDS170861 438 - 0.534247
prgK STY2992 pathogenicity 1 island effector proteinchromosome CDS2867010 759 - 0.459816
prlA STY4378 preprotein translocase SecYchromosome CDS4242144 1332 + 0.495495
safB STY0335 periplasmic fimbrial chaperone proteinchromosome CDS342869 741 + 0.479082
safC STY0336 outer-membrane fimbrial usher proteinchromosome CDS343633 2511 + 0.543608
sapB STY4105 putative autotransporterchromosome CDS3963524 3324 - 0.525271
secA STY0156 translocasechromosome CDS160107 2706 + 0.537694
secB STY4094 export protein SecBchromosome CDS3952633 468 + 0.50641
secD STY0445 protein export protein SecDchromosome CDS454536 1848 + 0.547078
secE STY3738 translocasechromosome CDS3588809 384 - 0.554688
secF STY0446 protein export protein SecFchromosome CDS456394 972 + 0.545267
secG STY3471 protein-export membrane proteinchromosome CDS3316375 333 - 0.510511
sefB STY4837 fimbrial chaperone proteinchromosome CDS4697576 753 + 0.288181
sefC STY4838 outer membrane fimbrial usher proteinchromosome CDS4698333 2517 + 0.357171
sipC STY3007 pathogenicity island 1 effector proteinchromosome CDS2879857 1230 - 0.474797
spaI STY3017 type III secretion system ATPasechromosome CDS2888677 1296 - 0.54321
spaO STY3014 type III secretion proteinchromosome CDS2886335 912 - 0.526316
spaP STY3013 secretory protein (associated with virulence)chromosome CDS2885671 675 - 0.414815
spaQ STY3012 secretory protein (associated with virulence)chromosome CDS2885385 261 - 0.467433
spaR STY3011 secretory protein (associated with virulence)chromosome CDS2884590 792 - 0.497475
spaS STY3010 type III secretion proteinchromosome CDS2883533 1071 - 0.431373
spiA STY1726 putative outer membrane secretory proteinchromosome CDS1644774 1494 - 0.423025
sppA STY1819 protease IVchromosome CDS1738487 1857 + 0.558428
ssaJ STY1711 putative pathogenicity island lipoproteinchromosome CDS1635704 750 - 0.425333
ssaN STY1705 type III secretion system ATPasechromosome CDS1629738 1302 - 0.511521
ssaQ STY1702 type III secretion proteinchromosome CDS1628054 969 - 0.455108
ssaS STY1700 putative type III secretion proteinchromosome CDS1627076 267 - 0.41573
ssaT STY1699 putative type III secretion proteinchromosome CDS1626296 780 - 0.39359
ssaU STY1698 putative type III secretion proteinchromosome CDS1625241 1059 - 0.396601
ssaV STY1706 putative type III secretion proteinchromosome CDS1631029 2046 - 0.460411
staB STY0206 chaperone protein EcpD precursorchromosome CDS215914 735 - 0.468027
staC STY0205 outer membrane usher protein HtrE precursorchromosome CDS213248 2592 - 0.512731
stbA STY0373 probable fimbrial proteinchromosome CDS384266 537 - 0.478585
stbB STY0372 fimbrial chaperone proteinchromosome CDS383443 762 - 0.448819
stbC STY0371 outer membrane fimbrial usher proteinchromosome CDS380898 2562 - 0.539422
stbE STY0369 fimbrial chaperone proteinchromosome CDS378844 759 - 0.469038
stcB STY2380 putative fimbrial chaperone proteinchromosome CDS2211940 684 - 0.399123
stcC STY2379 putative outer membrane usher proteinchromosome CDS2209437 2490 - 0.457831
stdA STY3177 probable fimbrial proteinchromosome CDS3048066 582 - 0.524055
stdB STY3176 probable outer membrane fimbrial usher proteinchromosome CDS3045457 2490 - 0.610442
stdC STY3175 probable fimbrial chaperone proteinchromosome CDS3044673 744 - 0.583333
steB STY3086 outer membrane usher proteinchromosome CDS2949638 2700 + 0.553704
steC STY3087 periplasmic fimbrial chaperonechromosome CDS2952350 774 + 0.546512
steF STY3090 fimbrial subunitchromosome CDS2954131 537 + 0.482309
stgA STY3918 probable fimbrial subunit proteinchromosome CDS3780596 576 + 0.508681
stgB STY3919 fimbrial chaperone proteinchromosome CDS3781269 699 + 0.410587
sthA STY4944 putative fimbrial proteinchromosome CDS4804460 546 - 0.503663
sthB STY4943 putative fimbrial chaperone proteinchromosome CDS4803706 684 - 0.459064
sthD STY4940 putative fimbrial subunitchromosome CDS4800549 558 - 0.496416
tatA STY3586 twin argininte translocase protein Achromosome CDS3438745 255 - 0.454902
tatB STY3585 sec-independent translocasechromosome CDS3438193 549 - 0.544627
tatC STY3584 sec-independent protein translocase proteinchromosome CDS3437411 780 - 0.508974
tatE STY0682 twin argininte translocase protein Achromosome CDS679335 204 + 0.485294
tolB STY0794 translocation protein TolB precursorchromosome CDS790658 1293 + 0.559938
tolC STY3364 outer membrane channel precursor proteinchromosome CDS3206069 1476 + 0.522358
tolQ STY0791 TolQ proteinchromosome CDS788215 693 + 0.519481
tolR STY0792 tolR proteinchromosome CDS788911 429 + 0.51049
yajC STY0444 preprotein translocase subunit YajCchromosome CDS454176 333 + 0.51952
yidC STY3938 inner membrane protein translocase component YidCchromosome CDS3802080 1647 - 0.540984
yohG STY2402 putative lipoproteinchromosome CDS2234412 1437 - 0.580376
yrfC STY4305 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS4184842 540 + 0.583333
yscR STY1701 putative type III secretion proteinchromosome CDS1627339 648 - 0.424383