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COG category: Signal transduction mechanisms
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Shigella sonnei Ss046, Ss046
NameLocus tagProduct / DescriptionGenomic elementTypeBeginLengthStrandGC-content
NA SSON_2396 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS2528169 486 - 0.530864
NA SSON_2436 putative endopeptidasechromosome CDS2571789 459 - 0.51634
NA SSON_1452 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS1525791 714 + 0.42437
NA SSON_1606 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS1687446 480 + 0.491667
NA SSON_1329 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS1403466 552 + 0.481884
NA SSON_2585 putative cytochrome C-type biogenesis proteinchromosome CDS2730236 2244 - 0.465241
NA SSON_1634 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS1723836 1383 + 0.442516
NA SSON_1345 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS1419309 1629 - 0.506446
NA SSON_2473 putative 2-component transcriptional regulatorchromosome CDS2614318 735 + 0.47483
NA SSON_1790 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS1887275 1293 + 0.475638
NA SSON_4515 putative inner membrane proteinchromosome CDS4790045 348 + 0.448276
NA SSON_2013 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS2107265 1710 - 0.516959
NA SSON_0248 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS270475 1281 - 0.570648
NA SSON_0871 hypothetical bacteriophage proteinchromosome CDS926496 300 + 0.416667
NA SSON_3892 putative transposasechromosome CDS4101517 2109 + 0.440019
NA SSON_1635 putative enzymechromosome CDS1725219 2424 + 0.503713
aer SSON_3210 aerotaxis sensor receptor, flavoproteinchromosome CDS3373179 1521 - 0.550953
apaH SSON_0057 diadenosine tetraphosphatasechromosome CDS59716 843 - 0.55516
arcA SSON_4551 negative response regulator of genes in aerobic pathways, (sensors, ArcB and CpxA)chromosome CDS4823203 717 - 0.51046
arcB SSON_3358 histidine protein kinase/phosphatasechromosome CDS3529763 2337 - 0.504065
argT SSON_2368 lysine-, arginine-, ornithine-binding periplasmic proteinchromosome CDS2498777 783 - 0.507024
artI SSON_0848 arginine 3rd transport system periplasmic binding proteinchromosome CDS899035 732 - 0.501366
artJ SSON_0845 arginine 3rd transport system periplasmic binding proteinchromosome CDS896620 732 - 0.454918
atoC SSON_2279 response regulator of atochromosome CDS2396839 1386 + 0.488456
atoS SSON_2278 sensor protein AtoS for response regulator AtoCchromosome CDS2395016 1827 + 0.484948
baeR SSON_2131 transcriptional response regulatory proteinchromosome CDS2236307 723 + 0.539419
baeS SSON_2130 sensor protein (for BaeR)chromosome CDS2234907 1404 + 0.534188
barA SSON_2943 sensor-regulator, activates OmpR by phophorylationchromosome CDS3084784 2757 + 0.500181
basR SSON_4288 transcriptional regulatory proteinchromosome CDS4551594 669 - 0.530643
basS SSON_4287 sensor protein for BasRchromosome CDS4550493 1092 - 0.54304
bglJ SSON_4513 2-component transcriptional regulatorchromosome CDS4788512 678 + 0.454277
bolA SSON_0418 possible regulator of murein geneschromosome CDS443236 351 + 0.481481
cheA SSON_1229 sensory transducer kinase between chemo- signal receptors and CheB and CheYchromosome CDS1302515 1965 + 0.531298
cheB SSON_1234 response regulator for chemotaxischromosome CDS1309338 1050 + 0.537143
cheR SSON_1233 response regulator for chemotaxis; protein glutamate methyltransferasechromosome CDS1308475 861 + 0.537747
cheW SSON_1230 positive regulator of CheA protein activitychromosome CDS1304500 504 + 0.515873
cheY SSON_1235 chemotaxis regulator transmits chemoreceptor signals to flagelllar motor componentschromosome CDS1310402 390 + 0.492308
cheZ SSON_1236 chemotactic response; CheY protein phophatase; antagonist of CheY as switch regulatorchromosome CDS1310802 645 + 0.533333
chpA SSON_2939 probable growth inhibitor, PemK-like, autoregulatedchromosome CDS3080483 336 - 0.46131
chpR SSON_2940 suppressor of inhibitory function of ChpA, PemI-like, autoregulatedchromosome CDS3080818 249 - 0.485944
citA SSON_0572 putative sensor-type proteinchromosome CDS612015 1659 + 0.500301
citB SSON_0573 sequence similarity to Shigella regulatorchromosome CDS613642 681 + 0.503671
cmtB SSON_3088 PTS system, mannitol-specific enzyme II component, crypticchromosome CDS3250661 444 - 0.427928
cpxA SSON_4081 probable sensor protein acting on arcAchromosome CDS4317644 1374 - 0.546579
cpxR SSON_4082 transcriptional regulator in 2-component systemchromosome CDS4319014 699 - 0.513591
creB SSON_4548 catabolic regulation response regulatorchromosome CDS4819620 690 + 0.552174
creC SSON_4549 catabolite repression sensor kinase for PhoBchromosome CDS4820309 1425 + 0.541053
crp SSON_3488 cyclic AMP receptor proteinchromosome CDS3648119 633 + 0.49763
csrA SSON_2840 carbon storage regulatorchromosome CDS2980051 186 - 0.494624
cstA SSON_0549 carbon starvation proteinchromosome CDS589425 2106 + 0.5717
dksA SSON_0157 dnaK suppressor proteinchromosome CDS174346 456 - 0.526316
envZ SSON_3535 protein histidine kinase/phosphatase sensor for OmpR, modulates expression of ompF and ompCchromosome CDS3697210 1353 - 0.570584
evgA SSON_2460 putative positive transcription regulator (sensor EvgS)chromosome CDS2596923 615 + 0.403252
evgS SSON_2461 putative sensor for regulator EvgAchromosome CDS2597542 3594 + 0.409293
fecR SSON_4464 regulator for fec operon, periplasmicchromosome CDS4736878 954 - 0.590147
fliY SSON_1197 putative periplasmic binding transport proteinchromosome CDS1275810 801 + 0.496879
fnr SSON_1799 transcriptional regulation of aerobic, anaerobic respiration, osmotic balancechromosome CDS1896871 753 + 0.50996
frvA SSON_4070 PTS system, fructose-specific IIA componentchromosome CDS4306628 447 - 0.50783
frvR SSON_4067 putative frv operon regulatory proteinchromosome CDS4302358 1749 - 0.498571
glnE SSON_3190 adenylylating enzyme for glutamine synthetasechromosome CDS3351049 2841 - 0.560014
glnG SSON_4040 response regulator for glnchromosome CDS4270770 1410 - 0.565957
glnH SSON_0791 periplasmic glutamine-binding proteinchromosome CDS837422 747 - 0.485944
glnL SSON_4041 histidine protein kinase sensor for GlnG regulatorchromosome CDS4272191 1050 - 0.552381
hisJ SSON_2367 histidine-binding periplasmic protein of high-affinity histidine transport systemchromosome CDS2497774 783 - 0.48659
hnr SSON_1944 Hnr proteinchromosome CDS2044274 1014 - 0.487179
hydG SSON_4177 response regulator of hydrogenase 3 activity (sensor HydH)chromosome CDS4421511 1326 + 0.567119
hydH SSON_4176 sensor kinase for HydG, hydrogenase 3 activitychromosome CDS4420138 1377 + 0.547567
hyfR SSON_2572 putative 2-component regulator, interaction with sigma 54chromosome CDS2714015 1992 + 0.52761
kdpD SSON_0646 sensor for high-affinity potassium transport systemchromosome CDS683071 2685 - 0.579143
kdpE SSON_0645 regulator of kdp operonchromosome CDS682397 678 - 0.570796
lexA SSON_4223 regulator for SOS(lexA) regulonchromosome CDS4481538 609 + 0.522168
narL SSON_1956 pleiotrophic regulation of anaerobic respiration: response regulator for nar, frd, dms and tor geneschromosome CDS2058928 651 + 0.514593
narP SSON_2251 nitrate/nitrite response regulatorchromosome CDS2365276 648 + 0.527778
narQ SSON_2549 sensor for nitrate reductase system, protein histidine kinase (acts on NarP and narL)chromosome CDS2687798 1701 + 0.516167
narX SSON_1955 nitrate/nitrate sensor, histidine protein kinase acts on NarL regulatorchromosome CDS2057139 1797 + 0.532554
nrfB SSON_4252 formate-dependent nitrite reductasechromosome CDS4515234 573 + 0.539267
ompR SSON_3536 response regulatorchromosome CDS3698559 720 - 0.547222
phoB SSON_0376 positive response regulator for pho regulonchromosome CDS402236 690 + 0.54058
phoH SSON_1039 PhoB-dependent, ATP-binding pho regulon componentchromosome CDS1122592 1065 + 0.522066
phoP SSON_1148 transcriptional regulatory proteinchromosome CDS1229800 672 - 0.46875
phoQ SSON_1147 sensor protein PhoQchromosome CDS1228340 1461 - 0.513347
phoR SSON_0377 positive and negative sensor protein for pho regulonchromosome CDS402983 1296 + 0.529321
pocR SSON_2056 pdu/cob regulatory proteinchromosome CDS2154849 648 - 0.453704
proQ SSON_1330 Activator of ProP osmoprotectant transporterchromosome CDS1404114 699 + 0.530758
pspA SSON_1836 phage shock proteinchromosome CDS1930967 669 - 0.490284
pspC SSON_1834 phage shock proteinchromosome CDS1930330 360 - 0.502778
pspF SSON_1837 psp operon transcriptional activatorchromosome CDS1931787 993 + 0.522659
ptsN SSON_3352 phosphotransferase system enzyme IIA, regulates N metabolismchromosome CDS3525652 492 + 0.520325
ptsP SSON_2986 PTS system enzyme Ichromosome CDS3135804 2247 - 0.538051
ptxA SSON_4377 putative PTS system enzyme II A componentchromosome CDS4646958 465 + 0.554839
qseB SSON_3164 quorum sensing regulator Bchromosome CDS3323924 660 + 0.513636
qseC SSON_3165 quorum sensing regulator Cchromosome CDS3324580 1350 + 0.527407
rcsB SSON_2276 positive response regulator for colanic capsule biosynthesischromosome CDS2391150 651 + 0.477727
rcsC SSON_2277 sensor for ctr capsule biosynthesischromosome CDS2392000 2802 - 0.509993
relA SSON_2941 (p)ppGpp synthetase Ichromosome CDS3081144 2235 - 0.53557
rseA SSON_2696 sigma-E factor, negative regulatory proteinchromosome CDS2853820 651 - 0.520737
rseB SSON_2695 regulates activity of sigma-E factorchromosome CDS2852864 957 - 0.504702
rseC SSON_2694 sigma-E factorchromosome CDS2852388 480 - 0.539583
rstA SSON_1552 response transcriptional regulatory protein (RstB sensor)chromosome CDS1631795 729 - 0.491084
rstB SSON_1551 sensor histidine protein kinasechromosome CDS1630490 1302 - 0.506912
rtn SSON_2232 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS2343523 1557 + 0.504175
spoT SSON_3755 (p)ppGpp synthetase IIchromosome CDS3942593 2109 - 0.536747
spy SSON_1414 periplasmic protein related to spheroblast formationchromosome CDS1489467 462 + 0.519481
tap SSON_1232 methyl-accepting chemotaxis protein IVchromosome CDS1306855 1602 + 0.535581
tar SSON_1231 methyl-accepting chemotaxis protein IIchromosome CDS1305148 1662 + 0.529483
torR SSON_1003 response transcriptional regulator for torAchromosome CDS1076910 693 - 0.525253
torS SSON_1001 sensor protein torSchromosome CDS1073082 2715 - 0.541068
trg SSON_1721 methyl-accepting chemotaxis protein IIIchromosome CDS1823714 1641 - 0.511274
uhpA SSON_3623 response regulator, positive activator of uhpT transcription (sensor, uhpB)chromosome CDS3793153 591 - 0.58714
uhpB SSON_3622 sensor histidine protein kinase phosphorylates UhpAchromosome CDS3791651 1506 - 0.570385
umuD SSON_1174 UmuDchromosome CDS1252592 420 + 0.483333
uspA SSON_3730 universal stress proteinchromosome CDS3911462 435 + 0.491954
uvrY SSON_1204 putative 2-component transcriptional regulatorchromosome CDS1281990 657 + 0.496195
waaP SSON_3777 lipopolysaccharide core biosynthesis proteinchromosome CDS3961927 798 + 0.474937
wzb SSON_2114 probable protein-tyrosine-phosphatasechromosome CDS2208099 444 - 0.538288
yaeG SSON_0175 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS197365 1176 + 0.526361
yaiC SSON_0360 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS386508 852 + 0.537559
ybcZ SSON_0521 putative 2-component sensor proteinchromosome CDS553764 1449 - 0.520359
ybdQ SSON_0559 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS600442 429 - 0.496504
ybeJ SSON_0609 putative periplasmic binding transport proteinchromosome CDS648130 909 - 0.490649
ybeZ SSON_0614 putative ATP-binding protein in pho regulonchromosome CDS654443 1080 - 0.54537
ybiI SSON_0782 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS827060 267 - 0.520599
yccY SSON_0989 putative phosphatasechromosome CDS1063873 459 - 0.51634
ydaA SSON_1800 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS1897775 951 + 0.502629
ydeH SSON_1593 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS1674401 891 + 0.445567
yeaG SSON_1379 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS1452269 1935 - 0.500258
yeaI SSON_1377 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS1449251 1476 - 0.382791
yeaJ SSON_1375 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS1446804 1440 - 0.458333
yeaP SSON_1367 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS1441595 1155 - 0.465801
yecG SSON_1222 putative regulatorchromosome CDS1297168 429 - 0.454545
yedV SSON_2026 putative 2-component sensor proteinchromosome CDS2119522 1359 - 0.395143
yedW SSON_2027 putative 2-component transcriptional regulatorchromosome CDS2120880 843 - 0.431791
yegE SSON_2120 putative sensor-type proteinchromosome CDS2215710 3318 + 0.525015
yehT SSON_2171 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS2275575 735 - 0.496599
yehU SSON_2172 putative 2-component sensor proteinchromosome CDS2276291 1686 - 0.50949
yeiL SSON_2219 putative transcriptional regulatorchromosome CDS2328121 660 + 0.45
yfhA SSON_2637 putative 2-component transcriptional regulatorchromosome CDS2791443 1335 - 0.54382
yfhK SSON_2639 putative 2-component sensor proteinchromosome CDS2793645 1491 - 0.525822
yfiN SSON_2761 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS2914897 1050 + 0.493333
ygaA SSON_2853 putative 2-component transcriptional regulatorchromosome CDS2992013 1590 - 0.557862
ygaG SSON_2831 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS2975442 516 - 0.515504
ygeV SSON_3020 putative transcriptional regulatorchromosome CDS3173703 1779 - 0.456998
ygiM SSON_3192 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS3355455 621 + 0.523349
yhdA SSON_3393 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS3574179 1941 - 0.504894
yhdW SSON_3409 putative periplasmic binding transport proteinchromosome CDS3592110 918 + 0.5
yhiE SSON_3574 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS3746342 528 - 0.329545
yhjB SSON_3871 putative regulatorchromosome CDS4079178 603 + 0.47927
yhjH SSON_3866 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS4071882 771 + 0.53048
yhjK SSON_3862 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS4065488 1956 + 0.525051
yihK SSON_4043 putative GTP-binding factorchromosome CDS4275322 1698 + 0.534747
yiiO SSON_4083 Uncharacterized periplasmic proteinchromosome CDS4319859 504 + 0.5
yiiT SSON_4092 putative regulatorchromosome CDS4327334 429 + 0.433566
yjaI SSON_4175 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS4419475 567 - 0.516755
yjcC SSON_4241 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS4499914 1587 + 0.446755
yjdG SSON_4301 putative 2-component transcriptional regulatorchromosome CDS4569741 720 - 0.491667
yjdH SSON_4302 putative 2-component sensor proteinchromosome CDS4570457 1632 - 0.501838
yjiY SSON_4487 putative carbon starvation proteinchromosome CDS4759352 2166 - 0.55771
ylaB SSON_0444 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS469658 1161 - 0.485788
ylcA SSON_0522 putative 2-component transcriptional regulatorchromosome CDS555202 684 - 0.552632
ynaF SSON_1749 putative filament proteinchromosome CDS1856156 507 + 0.475345
yojN SSON_2275 putative 2-component sensor proteinchromosome CDS2388461 2673 + 0.493453
yqeH SSON_3006 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS3159793 693 + 0.37518