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COG category: Secondary metabolites biosynthesis, transport and catabolism
Genomic element: chromosome

Number of genes found: 77

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Yersinia pestis biovar Microtus str. 91001, 91001
NameLocus tagProduct / DescriptionGenomic elementTypeBeginLengthStrandGC-content
NA YP_3828 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS4356550 573 - 0.47993
NA YP_2577 putative fimbrial proteinchromosome CDS2856168 1032 + 0.453488
NA YP_3427 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS3876832 1128 + 0.490248
NA YP_3827 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS4355914 624 - 0.482372
NA YP_3494 putative virulence determinantchromosome CDS3972453 9333 + 0.372335
NA YP_1427 putative siderophore biosynthetic enzymechromosome CDS1578174 1815 - 0.426446
NA YP_3262 putative carboxymethylenebutenolidasechromosome CDS3637531 873 - 0.498282
NA YP_3829 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS4357112 783 - 0.50447
NA YP_1582 short chain dehydrogenasechromosome CDS1730741 2073 - 0.520984
NA YP_0846 putative permeasechromosome CDS917790 2442 + 0.547093
NA YP_3452 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS3923357 834 - 0.383693
NA YP_3335 metalloproteasechromosome CDS3731235 1338 + 0.420777
NA YP_3830 putative ABC transporter ATP-binding proteinchromosome CDS4358112 819 - 0.492063
acpP1 YP_1354 putative acyl carrier proteinchromosome CDS1483121 249 + 0.337349
acpP3 YP_2254 acyl carrier proteinchromosome CDS2501439 237 - 0.434599
alcA YP_1419 putative siderophore biosynthetic enzymechromosome CDS1567796 1299 + 0.431101
bioC YP_1007 biotin synthesis protein BioCchromosome CDS1084838 804 - 0.538557
caiC YP_2334 O-succinylbenzoic acid--CoA ligasechromosome CDS2595988 1416 - 0.576977
elbB YP_3807 enhancing lycopene biosynthesis protein 2chromosome CDS4333400 654 - 0.457187
entF1 YP_3423 putative siderophore biosysnthesis proteinchromosome CDS3858296 9936 + 0.488124
entF2 YP_3424 putative siderophore biosysnthesis proteinchromosome CDS3868275 1653 + 0.534785
entF3 YP_3425 putative siderophore biosysnthesis proteinchromosome CDS3869940 5829 + 0.492023
fabB YP_2406 3-oxoacyl-(acyl carrier protein) synthasechromosome CDS2675321 1200 - 0.495833
fabF2 YP_1167 chromosome pseudo1255568 1029 + 0.525753
fabF3 YP_1347 putative beta-ketoacyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] synthasechromosome CDS1477023 1284 + 0.433022
fabF4 YP_2253 3-oxoacyl-(acyl carrier protein) synthasechromosome CDS2500103 1242 - 0.492754
fabG YP_2255 3-ketoacyl-(acyl-carrier-protein) reductasechromosome CDS2501829 735 - 0.482993
fabG1 YP_0336 short chain dehydrogenasechromosome CDS352779 771 + 0.499352
fabG2 YP_0733 short chain dehydrogenasechromosome CDS795878 681 + 0.503671
fabG3 YP_0843 short chain dehydrogenasechromosome CDS915350 777 - 0.526384
fabG4 YP_1304 putative short chain oxidoreductasechromosome CDS1428130 816 + 0.58701
fabG5 YP_1344 putative short chain dehydrogenasechromosome CDS1474550 747 - 0.420348
fabG6 YP_1348 putative beta-ketoacyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] reductasechromosome CDS1478254 792 + 0.433081
fabG7 YP_1352 putative short chain dehydrogenasechromosome CDS1481768 789 + 0.395437
fabG8 YP_1840 putative dehydrogenasechromosome CDS2050366 681 - 0.403818
fabG9 YP_2012 short chain dehydrogenasechromosome CDS2234114 849 - 0.508834
fadD YP_1917 acyl-CoA synthasechromosome CDS2136325 1740 + 0.481609
grsT YP_3428 putative thioesterasechromosome CDS3877949 768 + 0.488281
hpaB YP_1624 4-hydroxyphenylacetate 3-monooxygenasechromosome CDS1773368 1563 - 0.486884
hpaH YP_1627 2-oxo-hept-3-ene-1,7-dioate hydratasechromosome CDS1777208 804 - 0.50995
hutI YP_1714 imidazolonepropionasechromosome CDS1895670 1221 - 0.502867
idnO YP_2350 gluconate 5-dehydrogenasechromosome CDS2615393 870 + 0.441379
irp1 YP_1653 yersiniabactin biosynthetic proteinchromosome CDS1803214 9492 - 0.60767
irp2 YP_1654 yersiniabactin biosynthetic proteinchromosome CDS1812793 6126 - 0.601371
iucC YP_3448 putative siderophore biosynthesis protein IucCchromosome CDS3917254 1749 - 0.539165
iucD YP_3447 putative siderophore biosynthesis protein IucDchromosome CDS3915929 1329 - 0.536494
kduD YP_1749 2-deoxy-D-gluconate 3-dehydrogenasechromosome CDS1938275 807 - 0.486989
kduD2 YP_3535 2-deoxy-D-gluconate 3-dehydrogenasechromosome CDS4023569 756 + 0.531746
menF YP_2339 menaquinone-specific isochorismate synthasechromosome CDS2601979 1374 - 0.5131
mhpD2 YP_1454 putative hydrolasechromosome CDS1611622 843 + 0.5172
mhpD3 YP_1925 putative fumarylacetoacetate hydrolase family proteinchromosome CDS2143778 543 + 0.475138
paaI1 YP_2193 Uncharacterized protein, possibly involved in aromatic compounds catabolismchromosome CDS2438879 417 - 0.53717
paaI2 YP_3213 Uncharacterized protein, possibly involved in aromatic compounds catabolismchromosome CDS3585498 471 - 0.484076
phnL2 YP_0845 putative ABC transporter ATP-binding proteinchromosome CDS917119 687 + 0.521106
pldB1 YP_0867 Lysophospholipasechromosome CDS932445 1764 + 0.521542
pncA YP_1960 putative pyrazinamidase/nicotinamidasechromosome CDS2178508 648 - 0.496914
rrmA YP_1488 rRNA (guanine-N1-)-methyltransferasechromosome CDS1647777 840 + 0.485714
smtA1 YP_0717 SAM-dependent methyltransferasechromosome CDS775548 522 + 0.43295
smtA2 YP_1191 putative methyltransferasechromosome CDS1289566 792 - 0.479798
smtA3 YP_1250 putative ABC transport proteinchromosome CDS1364989 798 - 0.498747
smtA4 YP_1839 SAM-dependent methyltransferasechromosome CDS2049602 660 - 0.443939
smtA5 YP_1892 SAM-dependent methyltransferasechromosome CDS2109609 972 - 0.52572
smtA6 YP_1893 SAM-dependent methyltransferasechromosome CDS2110577 804 - 0.49005
smtA8 YP_2769 SAM-dependent methyltransferasechromosome CDS3074451 720 - 0.466667
smtA9 YP_3336 SAM-dependent methyltransferasechromosome CDS3732637 771 - 0.574578
sufI1 YP_0276 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS282546 1776 + 0.522523
sufI2 YP_2989 putative cell division proteinchromosome CDS3326206 1425 + 0.524912
tauD YP_0184 putative taurine dioxygenasechromosome CDS201715 867 + 0.507497
tehB YP_1693 putative tellurite resistance proteinchromosome CDS1867254 888 + 0.45045
ucpA YP_1453 putative oxidoreductasechromosome CDS1610834 741 + 0.535762
ybtD YP_1468 putative phosphopantetheinyl transferasechromosome CDS1627907 741 + 0.468286
ybtE YP_1650 yersiniabactin siderophore biosynthetic proteinchromosome CDS1799736 1578 - 0.588086
ybtT YP_1651 yersiniabactin biosynthetic protein YbtTchromosome CDS1801317 804 - 0.583333
ybtU YP_1652 yersiniabactin biosynthetic protein YbtUchromosome CDS1802117 1161 - 0.601206
ypeI YP_2275 N-acylhomoserine lactone synthase YpeIchromosome CDS2524043 657 + 0.365297
yspI YP_3455 N-acylhomoserine lactone synthase YspIchromosome CDS3927235 651 - 0.411674
ysuG YP_1421 putative siderophore biosynthetic enzymechromosome CDS1569624 1890 + 0.469841