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COG category: Posttranslational modification, protein turnover, chaperones
Genomic element: chromosome

Number of genes found: 172

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Escherichia coli O157:H7 EDL933, EDL933
NameLocus tagProduct / DescriptionGenomic elementTypeBeginLengthStrandGC-content
NA Z1426 unknown protein encoded by bacteriophage BP-933Wchromosome CDS1332590 312 - 0.432692
NA Z2265 putative transferasechromosome CDS2045844 618 - 0.472492
NA Z4042 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS3647865 135 - 0.451852
NA Z2654 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS2393413 1110 - 0.54955
NA Z2361 putative capsid assembly protein of prophage CP-933Rchromosome CDS2132439 1506 - 0.604914
NA Z1495 unknown protein encoded by bacteriophage BP-933Wchromosome CDS1379853 8421 + 0.542572
NA Z2372 unknown protein encoded within prophage CP-933Rchromosome CDS2141118 372 - 0.47043
NA Z2134 putative head-tail preconnector protein of prophage CP-933Ochromosome CDS1912872 1506 + 0.604914
NA Z2542 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS2259827 1584 - 0.469066
NA Z1886 putative capsid protein of prophage CP-933Xchromosome CDS1718285 1320 + 0.607576
NA Z2979 putative stability/partitioning protein encoded within prophage CP-933Tchromosome CDS2677512 960 + 0.547917
NA Z3391 putative glutathione-S-transferasechromosome CDS3031951 648 - 0.541667
NA Z2112 putative ClpP-like protease encoded within prophage CP-933Ochromosome CDS1897625 798 - 0.526316
NA Z3932 putative antiterminator of prophage CP-933Ychromosome CDS3555085 624 - 0.508013
NA Z3262 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS2923847 1005 + 0.556219
NA Z4343 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS3946346 915 + 0.539891
NA Z1305 putative ATP-dependent proteasechromosome CDS1235233 1761 - 0.519591
NA Z0967 putative protease encoded in prophage CP-933Kchromosome CDS909701 2028 + 0.5143
NA Z2086 similar to division inhibition protein DicB within CP-933Ochromosome CDS1880857 294 - 0.411565
NA Z6052 unknown protein encoded by cryptic prophage CP-933Pchromosome CDS2311828 348 - 0.474138
NA Z3097 putative peptidase encoded within prophage CP-933Uchromosome CDS2762762 960 - 0.526042
NA Z0254 putative proteasechromosome CDS251126 2772 - 0.597763
NA Z2565 putative chaperone proteinchromosome CDS2274910 591 - 0.392555
NA Z1345 antitermination protein Q homolog of cryptic prophage CP-933Mchromosome CDS1265949 822 + 0.478102
aat Z1229 leucyl/phenylalanyl-tRNA--protein transferasechromosome CDS1147028 705 - 0.53617
ahpC Z0749 alkyl hydroperoxide reductase, C22 subunit; detoxification of hydroperoxideschromosome CDS720197 564 + 0.5
ahpF Z0750 alkyl hydroperoxide reductase, F52a subunit; detoxification of hydroperoxideschromosome CDS720859 1596 + 0.525063
bcp Z3739 bacterioferritin comigratory proteinchromosome CDS3386407 471 + 0.496815
btuE Z2739 vitamin B12 transportchromosome CDS2468473 552 - 0.490942
cbpA Z1418 curved DNA-binding protein; functions closely related to DnaJchromosome CDS1326027 921 - 0.53203
ccmA Z3458 ATP binding protein of heme exporter Achromosome CDS3101843 618 - 0.55178
ccmB Z3457 heme exporter protein B, cytochrome c-type biogenesis proteinchromosome CDS3101184 663 - 0.553545
ccmC Z3456 heme exporter protein Cchromosome CDS3100405 738 - 0.552846
ccmE Z3454 cytochrome c biogenesis, possible subunit of a heme lyasechromosome CDS3099723 480 - 0.539583
ccmF Z3453 cytochrome c-type biogenesis proteinchromosome CDS3097783 1944 - 0.570988
ccmH Z3451 possible subunit of heme lyasechromosome CDS3096180 1053 - 0.537512
clpA Z1119 ATP-binding component of serine proteasechromosome CDS1055999 2277 + 0.526131
clpB Z3886 heat shock proteinchromosome CDS3521568 2586 - 0.514308
clpP Z0542 ATP-dependent Clp protease proteolytic subunitchromosome CDS522731 624 + 0.503205
clpX Z0543 ATP-dependent protease ATP-binding subunitchromosome CDS523480 1275 + 0.516863
csgA Z1676 curlin major subunit, coiled surface structures; crypticchromosome CDS1548672 459 + 0.503268
cydC Z1230 ATP-binding component of cytochrome-related transportchromosome CDS1147774 1722 - 0.538328
cydD Z1231 ATP-binding component of cytochrome-related transport, Zn sensitivechromosome CDS1149496 1767 - 0.532541
cyoE Z0531 protoheme IX farnesyltransferasechromosome CDS512870 891 - 0.535354
cysU Z3689 sulfate, thiosulfate transport system permease T proteinchromosome CDS3334944 834 - 0.55036
degQ Z4593 serine endoproteasechromosome CDS4183196 1368 + 0.521199
degS Z4594 proteasechromosome CDS4184653 1068 + 0.526217
djlA Z0064 Dna-J like membrane chaperone proteinchromosome CDS62340 816 + 0.528186
dnaJ Z0015 chaperone with DnaK; heat shock proteinchromosome CDS14185 1131 + 0.55084
dnaK Z0014 molecular chaperone DnaKchromosome CDS12180 1917 + 0.513824
dsbA Z5392 protein disulfide isomerase I, essential for cytochrome c synthesis and formate-dependent reductionchromosome CDS4908134 627 + 0.478469
dsbB Z1948 disulfide bond formation protein Bchromosome CDS1765393 531 - 0.52354
dsbC Z4231 protein disulfide isomerase IIchromosome CDS3843569 711 - 0.481013
dsbD Z5741 thiol:disulfide interchange protein precursorchromosome CDS5247781 1698 - 0.542403
dsbE Z3452 disulfide oxidoreductase (in biogenesis of cytochrome c?chromosome CDS3097229 558 - 0.544803
dsbG Z0748 thiol:disulfide interchange proteinchromosome CDS719079 807 - 0.462206
fdhE Z5433 formate dehydrogenase accessory protein FdhEchromosome CDS4947699 930 - 0.552688
fklB Z5818 FKBP-type 22KD peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase (rotamase)chromosome CDS5314236 780 + 0.525641
fkpA Z4705 FKBP-type peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase (rotamase)chromosome CDS4263735 813 - 0.483395
flgA Z1710 flagellar basal body P-ring biosynthesis proteinchromosome CDS1574434 660 - 0.522727
flgJ Z1719 flagellar biosynthesis proteinchromosome CDS1581564 942 + 0.547771
flgN Z1708 protein of flagellar biosynthesischromosome CDS1573644 417 - 0.479616
fliJ Z3032 flagellar proteinchromosome CDS2717704 444 + 0.529279
fliS Z3015 flagellar protein FliSchromosome CDS2703036 411 + 0.491484
glnD Z0177 PII uridylyl-transferasechromosome CDS189465 2673 - 0.531612
glnE Z4406 adenylylating enzyme for glutamine synthetasechromosome CDS4003644 2841 - 0.560366
groEL Z5748 chaperonin GroELchromosome CDS5255461 1647 + 0.534305
groES Z5747 co-chaperonin GroESchromosome CDS5255124 294 + 0.489796
grpE Z3907 phage lambda replication; host DNA synthesis; heat shock protein; protein repairchromosome CDS3539973 594 - 0.501683
grxA Z1076 glutaredoxin1 redox coenzyme for glutathione-dependent ribonucleotide reductasechromosome CDS1017442 258 - 0.457364
grxB Z1701 glutaredoxin 2chromosome CDS1567637 648 - 0.489198
grxC Z5037 glutaredoxin 3chromosome CDS4600005 252 - 0.511905
gst Z2647 glutathionine S-transferasechromosome CDS2389296 606 + 0.50165
hflB Z4540 degrades sigma32, integral membrane peptidase, cell division proteinchromosome CDS4134715 1935 - 0.536951
hflC Z5782 protease specific for phage lambda cII repressorchromosome CDS5287011 1005 + 0.533333
hflK Z5781 protease specific for phage lambda cII repressorchromosome CDS5285749 1260 + 0.55873
hopD Z4693 putative leader peptidasechromosome CDS4255883 468 + 0.478632
hscA Z3793 chaperone protein HscAchromosome CDS3447577 1851 - 0.576445
hscB Z3794 co-chaperone HscBchromosome CDS3449444 516 - 0.515504
hslJ Z2330 heat shock protein hslJchromosome CDS2109236 423 + 0.470449
hslO Z4755 Hsp33-like chaperoninchromosome CDS4309184 885 + 0.527684
hslU Z5478 ATP-dependent protease ATP-binding subunitchromosome CDS4990672 1332 - 0.524775
hslV Z5479 ATP-dependent protease peptidase subunitchromosome CDS4992013 531 - 0.516008
htpG Z0590 heat shock protein 90chromosome CDS561018 1875 + 0.526933
htpX Z2876 heat shock protein HtpXchromosome CDS2588732 882 - 0.53288
htrA Z0173 periplasmic serine protease Do; heat shock protein HtrAchromosome CDS185084 1425 + 0.538246
hyaE Z1393 processing of HyaA and HyaB proteinschromosome CDS1300291 399 + 0.556391
hybG Z4344 hydrogenase-2 operon protein: may effect maturation of large subunit of hydrogenase-2chromosome CDS3947383 249 - 0.53012
hypB Z4036 guanine-nucleotide binding protein, functions as nickel donor for large subunit of hydrogenase 3chromosome CDS3641983 873 + 0.550974
hypC Z4037 pleiotrophic effects on 3 hydrogenase isozymeschromosome CDS3642846 273 + 0.553114
hypD Z4038 pleiotrophic effects on 3 hydrogenase isozymeschromosome CDS3643118 1122 + 0.560606
hypE Z4039 plays structural role in maturation of all 3 hydrogenasechromosome CDS3644278 969 + 0.573787
hypF Z4020 transcriptional regulatory proteinchromosome CDS3626190 2253 - 0.575233
ibpA Z5183 heat shock proteinchromosome CDS4726976 414 - 0.468599
ibpB Z5182 heat shock proteinchromosome CDS4726436 435 - 0.485057
lon Z0545 DNA-binding, ATP-dependent protease La; heat shock K-proteinchromosome CDS524897 2400 + 0.519583
msrA Z5830 methionine sulfoxide reductase Achromosome CDS5327004 639 - 0.538341
nrdG Z5847 anaerobic ribonucleotide reductase activating proteinchromosome CDS5345392 465 - 0.507527
nrdH Z3975 glutaredoxin-like protein; hydrogen donorchromosome CDS3592163 246 + 0.53252
nrfE Z5673 formate-dependent nitrite reductase; possible assembly functionchromosome CDS5174646 1659 + 0.566606
nrfF Z5674 part of formate-dependent nitrite reductase complexchromosome CDS5176297 384 + 0.523438
nrfG Z5675 part of formate-dependent nitrite reductase complexchromosome CDS5176677 597 + 0.520938
osmC Z2228 osmotically inducible proteinchromosome CDS2010173 432 - 0.5
pcm Z4051 protein-L-isoaspartate O-methyltransferasechromosome CDS3656714 627 - 0.54067
pflA Z1246 pyruvate formate lyase activating enzyme 1chromosome CDS1169206 741 - 0.495277
pflC Z5508 probable pyruvate formate lyase activating enzyme 2chromosome CDS5021906 879 + 0.551763
ppiA Z4724 peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase A (rotamase A)chromosome CDS4278853 573 - 0.511344
ppiB Z0680 peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase B (rotamase B)chromosome CDS646089 495 - 0.478788
ppiC Z5286 peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase C (rotamase C)chromosome CDS4821922 282 - 0.510638
ptr Z4138 protease IIIchromosome CDS3745694 2889 - 0.507442
rpsV Z2230 30S ribosomal subunit protein S22chromosome CDS2011267 138 + 0.449275
sepQ Z5116 sepQchromosome CDS4673008 918 - 0.374728
slpA Z0033 probable FKBX-type 16KD peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase (a rotamase)chromosome CDS30201 450 + 0.553333
slyD Z4707 FKBP-type peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase (rotamase)chromosome CDS4265035 591 - 0.554992
smpB Z3913 SsrA-binding proteinchromosome CDS3544754 483 + 0.505176
sms Z5990 probable ATP-dependent proteasechromosome CDS5512705 1383 + 0.57556
sohB Z2538 putative proteasechromosome CDS2256088 1050 - 0.504762
sppA Z2799 protease IV, a signal peptide peptidasechromosome CDS2523552 1857 + 0.519655
sspA Z4587 stringent starvation protein Achromosome CDS4179235 639 - 0.535211
surA Z0062 survival proteinchromosome CDS58392 1287 - 0.537685
tig Z0541 trigger factorchromosome CDS521188 1299 + 0.510393
tpx Z2452 thiol peroxidasechromosome CDS2190542 507 + 0.514793
trxA Z5291 thioredoxinchromosome CDS4828098 384 + 0.5
trxB Z1232 thioredoxin reductasechromosome CDS1151385 966 - 0.532091
trxC Z3867 putative thioredoxin-like proteinchromosome CDS3508771 420 + 0.495238
ureD Z1142 putative urease accessory protein Dchromosome CDS1078653 699 + 0.537911
ureD_2 Z1581 putative urease accessory protein Dchromosome CDS1474260 699 + 0.537911
ureE Z1146 putative urease accessory protein Echromosome CDS1081779 465 + 0.548387
ureE_2 Z1585 putative urease accessory protein Echromosome CDS1477386 465 + 0.548387
ureF Z1147 putative urease accessory protein Fchromosome CDS1082244 675 + 0.591111
ureF_2 Z1586 putative urease accessory protein Fchromosome CDS1477851 675 + 0.591111
ureG Z1148 putative urease accessory protein Gchromosome CDS1082930 618 + 0.537217
ureG_2 Z1587 putative urease accessory protein Gchromosome CDS1478537 618 + 0.537217
yagQ Z0349 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS330179 957 - 0.599791
ybaU Z0548 putative protease maturation proteinchromosome CDS527969 1872 + 0.519765
ybbJ Z0641 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS607892 459 - 0.579521
ybbK Z0642 putative proteasechromosome CDS608347 918 - 0.527233
ybbN Z0645 putative thioredoxin-like proteinchromosome CDS610916 891 - 0.554433
ybeS Z0795 putative enzyme of polynucleotide modificationchromosome CDS758556 1428 + 0.471289
ybeW Z0800 putative dnaK proteinchromosome CDS762864 1671 - 0.501496
ybfN Z0830 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS789595 327 + 0.495413
ybiY Z1047 putative pyruvate formate-lyase 2 activating enzymechromosome CDS988501 900 - 0.545556
ycaL Z1255 putative heat shock proteinchromosome CDS1179106 789 + 0.496831
ydcP Z2284 putative collagenasechromosome CDS2063968 2004 - 0.506487
ydhD Z2676 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS2408674 348 - 0.525862
yeaA Z2817 methionine sulfoxide reductase Bchromosome CDS2538821 414 - 0.480676
yeaZ Z2850 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS2567605 696 - 0.550287
yedF Z3020 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS2707212 234 + 0.482906
yeeD Z3174 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS2826946 228 - 0.517544
yegD Z3238 putative heat shock proteinchromosome CDS2893668 1416 + 0.559322
yegQ Z3250 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS2911321 1362 + 0.539648
yfcF Z3563 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS3215967 645 - 0.503876
yfcG Z3564 putative S-transferasechromosome CDS3216747 648 + 0.518519
ygcF Z4089 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS3691853 672 - 0.513393
yggG Z4280 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS3889706 885 + 0.514124
yggX Z4307 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS3912999 276 + 0.471014
ygjD Z4417 putative O-sialoglycoprotein endopeptidasechromosome CDS4016376 1014 - 0.572978
yhaB Z4472 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS4074678 561 + 0.356506
yhbU Z4519 putative collagenasechromosome CDS4111199 996 + 0.573293
yhbV Z4520 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS4112185 897 + 0.556299
yhfA Z4717 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS4272542 405 - 0.51358
yhgI Z4769 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS4325019 576 + 0.524306
yhhP Z4844 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS4395222 246 - 0.520325
yibF Z5013 putative S-transferasechromosome CDS4571276 609 - 0.525452
yifB Z5277 putative 2-component regulatorchromosome CDS4810874 1551 - 0.506125
yiiF Z5432 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS4947127 243 + 0.444444
yjjW Z5981 putative activating enzymechromosome CDS5502516 864 - 0.559028
yliJ Z1064 putative transferasechromosome CDS1006800 633 - 0.516588
ynhC Z2709 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS2435427 1272 - 0.532233
ynhD Z2710 putative ATP-binding component of a transport systemchromosome CDS2436673 747 - 0.500669
ynhE Z2711 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS2437429 1527 - 0.518009
yqjG Z4456 putative transferasechromosome CDS4057872 987 + 0.504559