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COG category: Amino acid transport and metabolism
Genomic element: pHCM1

Number of genes found: 6

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Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Typhi str. CT18, CT18
NameLocus tagProduct / DescriptionGenomic elementTypeBeginLengthStrandGC-content
NA HCM1.32c hypothetical proteinpHCM1 CDS11663 2376 - 0.564394
NA HCM1.36c hypothetical proteinpHCM1 CDS16063 333 - 0.552553
NA HCM1.245c hypothetical proteinpHCM1 CDS180517 387 - 0.390181
NA HCM1.120 hypothetical proteinpHCM1 CDS95002 936 + 0.383547
merC HCM1.232c putative mercury transport proteinpHCM1 CDS173721 423 - 0.65721
tetA HCM1.241c tetracycline resistance proteinpHCM1 CDS177935 1206 - 0.433665