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COG category: Cell cycle control, mitosis and meiosis
Genomic element: chromosome

Number of genes found: 46

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Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Typhi str. CT18, CT18
NameLocus tagProduct / DescriptionGenomic elementTypeBeginLengthStrandGC-content
NA STY0378 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS389375 549 + 0.400729
NA STY3700 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS3544010 3078 + 0.570825
NA STY2664 cell division protein ZipAchromosome CDS2501696 987 - 0.576494
NA STY4090 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS3948736 1284 - 0.587227
NA STY1045 putative bacteriophage proteinchromosome CDS1028101 261 + 0.421456
NA STY4557 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS4438648 915 + 0.540984
NA STY2884 putative bacteriophage tail proteinchromosome CDS2762798 3078 - 0.570825
NA STY3258 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS3120025 1008 - 0.46131
NA STY1412 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS1362270 936 - 0.5
NA STY4635 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS4499824 2415 - 0.566046
NA STY4521 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS4409652 1035 + 0.490821
NA STY4603 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS4476305 2781 - 0.514204
NA STY3668 possible endonucleasechromosome CDS3520518 2415 + 0.525052
NA STY0616 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS614791 711 - 0.528833
NA STY4827 putative phage capsid proteinchromosome CDS4689566 861 - 0.5482
ccrB STY0679 camphor resistance protein CrcBchromosome CDS677946 384 - 0.523438
fic STY4326 cell filamentation protein Ficchromosome CDS4208646 603 + 0.555556
ftsA STY0152 cell division proteinchromosome CDS155774 1263 + 0.534442
ftsB STY3056 cell divison protein FtsBchromosome CDS2921045 312 - 0.541667
ftsE STY4241 cell division ATP-binding protein FtsEchromosome CDS4107254 669 + 0.565022
ftsK STY0958 cell division protein FtsKchromosome CDS947909 4032 + 0.582589
ftsL STY0141 cell division protein FtsLchromosome CDS142759 366 + 0.516393
ftsN STY3777 cell division proteinchromosome CDS3643326 993 + 0.592145
ftsW STY0147 cell division protein FtsWchromosome CDS150130 1245 + 0.543775
ftsX STY4242 cell division proteinchromosome CDS4107915 1056 + 0.574811
ftsZ STY0153 cell division protein FtsZchromosome CDS157097 1152 + 0.576389
gidA STY3904 glucose-inhibited division protein Achromosome CDS3765436 1890 + 0.550794
ispZ STY1316 putative intracellular septation proteinchromosome CDS1275070 540 - 0.47037
maf STY1228 Maf-like proteinchromosome CDS1184161 585 - 0.555556
maf STY3551 Maf-like proteinchromosome CDS3394908 594 - 0.547138
mesJ STY0261 cell cycle protein MesJchromosome CDS276262 1293 + 0.590101
minC STY1944 septum formation inhibitorchromosome CDS1833688 708 + 0.512712
minD STY1945 septum site determining proteinchromosome CDS1834419 813 + 0.514145
minE STY1946 cell division topological specificity factor MinEchromosome CDS1835235 267 + 0.434457
mrdB STY0690 rod shape-determining protein RodAchromosome CDS685657 1113 - 0.530099
mreB STY3554 rod shape-determining proteinchromosome CDS3397118 1044 - 0.563218
mrp STY2383 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS2214047 1110 - 0.561261
mukB STY0996 condesin subunit Bchromosome CDS990720 4467 + 0.567047
mukE STY0995 condesin subunit Echromosome CDS990043 678 + 0.542773
mukF STY0994 condesin subunit Fchromosome CDS988713 1323 + 0.540438
relE STY4789 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS4647757 285 + 0.470175
sseA STY1723 putative pathogenicity island proteinchromosome CDS1642803 327 - 0.409786
sulA STY1092 cell division inhibitorchromosome CDS1071410 510 - 0.507843
yhjQ STY4180 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS4039201 753 + 0.589641
yiiG STY3836 putative lipoproteinchromosome CDS3693908 1101 - 0.451408
ytfE STY4757 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS4614741 663 - 0.552036