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COG category: Cell cycle control, mitosis and meiosis
Genomic element: chromosome

Number of genes found: 40

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Yersinia pestis CO92, CO92
NameLocus tagProduct / DescriptionGenomic elementTypeBeginLengthStrandGC-content
NA YPO1523 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS1731472 1113 + 0.495957
NA YPO2335 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS2627579 942 + 0.441614
NA YPO0063 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS73529 1353 - 0.502587
NA YPO1062 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS1205917 1383 + 0.4859
NA YPO3605 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS4016827 534 + 0.58427
NA YPO0516 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS556337 354 + 0.426554
NA YPO3531 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS3944063 666 + 0.487988
NA YPO1040 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS1179885 390 - 0.389744
NA YPO3186 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS3547655 696 - 0.344828
NA YPO2289 putative virulence factorchromosome CDS2569831 1404 + 0.511396
NA YPO1490 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS1690140 624 - 0.334936
NA YPO0884 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS968972 261 - 0.394636
NA YPO2990 cell division protein ZipAchromosome CDS3339779 987 - 0.492401
NA YPO2987 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS3336993 348 + 0.442529
NA YPO1734 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS1978961 852 - 0.488263
ccrB YPO2596 camphor resistance protein CrcBchromosome CDS2917686 384 - 0.46875
ccrB YPO2677 camphor resistance protein CrcBchromosome CDS3002664 381 - 0.467192
ccrB YPO2676 camphor resistance protein CrcBchromosome CDS3002244 405 - 0.409877
ftsA YPO0559 cell division proteinchromosome CDS604545 1257 + 0.48926
ftsB YPO3362 cell divison protein FtsBchromosome CDS3750161 321 - 0.461059
ftsE YPO3813 cell division ATP-binding proteinchromosome CDS4279202 669 - 0.535127
ftsK YPO1376 putative cell division proteinchromosome CDS1546371 3918 + 0.508167
ftsL YPO0548 putative cell division proteinchromosome CDS591506 318 + 0.477987
ftsN YPO0107 cell division proteinchromosome CDS115239 846 - 0.530733
ftsW YPO0554 cell division protein FtsWchromosome CDS598894 1203 + 0.504572
ftsX YPO3812 cell division proteinchromosome CDS4278259 954 - 0.510482
ftsZ YPO0560 cell division protein FtsZchromosome CDS605874 1152 + 0.525174
gidA YPO4130 glucose-inhibited division protein Achromosome CDS4651728 1890 - 0.478836
ispZ YPO2196 putative intracellular septation proteinchromosome CDS2472094 543 - 0.412523
maf YPO3668 Maf-like proteinchromosome CDS4090038 594 + 0.510101
maf YPO1593 Maf-like proteinchromosome CDS1818784 597 - 0.479062
minC YPO2078 septum formation inhibitorchromosome CDS2358808 687 - 0.475983
minD YPO2077 septum site-determining proteinchromosome CDS2357971 813 - 0.468635
minE YPO2076 cell division topological specificity factor MinEchromosome CDS2357698 270 - 0.448148
mreB YPO3665 rod shape-determining protein MreBchromosome CDS4087297 1044 + 0.529693
mukB YPO1405 condesin subunit Bchromosome CDS1588523 4458 + 0.51817
mukE YPO1404 condesin subunit Echromosome CDS1587825 702 + 0.478632
mukF YPO1403 condesin subunit Fchromosome CDS1586495 1323 + 0.496599
rodA YPO2603 rod shape-determining proteinchromosome CDS2924303 1113 - 0.477987
sulA YPO1436 putative cell division inhibitorchromosome CDS1628611 507 - 0.400394