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Genomic element: chromosome

Number of genes found: 590

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Escherichia coli K12, K-12
NameLocus tagProduct / DescriptionGenomic elementTypeBeginLengthStrandGC-content
NA b3022 predicted cyanide hydratasechromosome CDS3166270 297 - 0.400673
aaeX b3242 membrane protein of efflux systemchromosome CDS3387156 204 - 0.47549
agaV b3133 N-acetylgalactosamine-specific enzyme IIB component of PTSchromosome CDS3278239 474 + 0.506329
agp b1002 glucose-1-phosphatase/inositol phosphatasechromosome CDS1064808 1242 + 0.516103
ais b2252 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS2363040 603 - 0.432836
appA b0980 phosphoanhydride phosphorylasechromosome CDS1039840 1299 + 0.538876
aroM b0390 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS406652 678 + 0.464602
asr b1597 acid shock protein precursorchromosome CDS1669400 309 + 0.511327
atpI b3739 F0F1 ATP synthase subunit Ichromosome CDS3920083 381 - 0.52231
bcsB b3532 regulator of cellulose synthase, cyclic di-GMP bindingchromosome CDS3688291 2340 - 0.549145
bcsE b3536 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS3694481 1572 + 0.48855
bcsF b3537 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS3696049 192 + 0.484375
bcsG b3538 predicted inner membrane proteinchromosome CDS3696237 1680 + 0.526786
bdm b1481 biofilm-dependent modulation proteinchromosome CDS1554089 216 - 0.453704
blr b4409 beta-lactam resistance membrane proteinchromosome CDS1702575 126 + 0.428571
borD b0557 DLP12 prophage; predicted lipoproteinchromosome CDS577823 294 - 0.414966
caiF b0034 DNA-binding transcriptional activatorchromosome CDS34300 396 + 0.459596
cbpM b0999 modulator of CbpA co-chaperonechromosome CDS1061773 306 - 0.542484
cchA b2457 predicted carboxysome structural protein, ethanolamine utilization proteinchromosome CDS2570179 294 - 0.581633
cedA b1731 cell division modulatorchromosome CDS1811445 264 - 0.515152
crcA b0622 palmitoyl transferase for Lipid Achromosome CDS655780 561 + 0.468806
crl b0240 DNA-binding transcriptional regulatorchromosome CDS257829 402 + 0.504975
csgB b1041 curlin nucleator protein, minor subunit in curli complexchromosome CDS1103174 456 + 0.41886
csgC b1043 predicted curli production proteinchromosome CDS1104184 333 + 0.426426
csgF b1038 predicted transport proteinchromosome CDS1100934 417 - 0.42446
csiE b2535 stationary phase inducible proteinchromosome CDS2663457 1281 + 0.515222
dcrB b3472 periplasmic proteinchromosome CDS3607978 558 + 0.521505
dicB b1575 Qin prophage; cell division inhibition proteinchromosome CDS1647633 189 + 0.359788
dicC b1569 Qin prophage; DNA-binding transcriptional regulator for DicBchromosome CDS1645644 231 - 0.467532
dinD b3645 DNA-damage-inducible proteinchromosome CDS3815783 825 + 0.458182
dinI b1061 DNA damage-inducible protein Ichromosome CDS1120465 246 - 0.479675
djlC b0649 Hsc56 co-chaperone of HscCchromosome CDS679435 1452 + 0.477273
dnaT b4362 primosomal protein Ichromosome CDS4599001 540 - 0.57037
dsrB b1952 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS2022659 189 - 0.513228
eaeH b0297 attaching and effacing protein, pathogenesis factorchromosome CDS313581 888 + 0.483108
ecnA b4410 entericidin A membrane lipoprotein, antidote entericidin Bchromosome CDS4374340 126 + 0.539683
elaD b2269 predicted enzymechromosome CDS2380735 1212 + 0.35396
elbA b1160 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS1210903 324 - 0.339506
essD b0554 DLP12 prophage; predicted phage lysis proteinchromosome CDS576621 216 + 0.476852
essQ b1556 Qin prophage; predicted S lysis proteinchromosome CDS1638394 216 - 0.462963
fimH b4320 minor component of type 1 fimbriaechromosome CDS4546831 903 + 0.501661
flhC b1891 DNA-binding transcriptional dual regulator with FlhDchromosome CDS1975290 579 - 0.490501
flhD b1892 transcriptional activator FlhDchromosome CDS1975871 360 - 0.463889
flhE b1878 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS1960604 393 - 0.526718
fliT b1926 predicted chaperonechromosome CDS2003737 366 + 0.516393
fliZ b1921 predicted regulator of FliA activitychromosome CDS1998497 552 - 0.46558
flk b2321 predicted flagella assembly proteinchromosome CDS2435972 996 + 0.52008
glgS b3049 glycogen synthesis protein GlgSchromosome CDS3189761 201 - 0.452736
gltF b3214 periplasmic proteinchromosome CDS3359198 765 + 0.453595
gnsA b4517 predicted regulator of phosphatidylethanolamine synthesischromosome CDS1051290 174 + 0.396552
gnsB b1550 Qin prophage; predicted proteinchromosome CDS1635633 174 - 0.298851
gspL b3333 general secretory pathway component, crypticchromosome CDS3461944 1164 + 0.486254
gspM b3334 general secretory pathway component, crypticchromosome CDS3463104 462 + 0.478355
hdeA b3510 stress response protein acid-resistance proteinchromosome CDS3654431 333 - 0.429429
hdeB b3509 acid-resistance proteinchromosome CDS3653989 327 - 0.400612
hha b0460 modulator of gene expression, with H-NSchromosome CDS479314 219 - 0.406393
hisL b2018 his operon leader peptidechromosome CDS2088020 51 + 0.431373
hlyE b1182 hemolysin Echromosome CDS1228706 912 - 0.411184
hokA b4455 toxic polypeptide, smallchromosome CDS3718471 153 - 0.352941
hokB b4428 toxic polypeptide, smallchromosome CDS1489946 150 - 0.533333
hokC b4412 toxic membrane protein, smallchromosome CDS16751 153 - 0.529412
hokD b1562 Qin prophage; small toxic polypeptidechromosome CDS1643143 156 - 0.519231
hokE b4415 toxic polypeptide, smallchromosome CDS607059 153 + 0.477124
holE b1842 DNA polymerase III, theta subunitchromosome CDS1923132 231 + 0.484848
htgA b0012 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS10830 486 + 0.481481
htrC b3989 heat shock proteinchromosome CDS4187809 540 + 0.424074
htrL b3618 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS3790849 858 - 0.370629
hyaF b0977 protein involved in nickel incorporation into hydrogenase-1 proteinschromosome CDS1035972 858 + 0.548951
hybE b2992 hydrogenase 2-specific chaperonechromosome CDS3138333 489 - 0.543967
hycA b2725 regulator of the transcriptional regulator FhlAchromosome CDS2847996 462 - 0.502164
hycH b2718 protein required for maturation of hydrogenase 3chromosome CDS2841058 411 - 0.527981
hyfJ b2490 predicted processing element hydrogenase 4chromosome CDS2609479 414 + 0.52657
ilvL b3766 ilvG operon leader peptidechromosome CDS3948345 99 + 0.535354
inaA b2237 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS2346844 651 - 0.494624
ivbL b3672 ilvB operon leader peptidechromosome CDS3850913 99 - 0.585859
ivy b0220 inhibitor of vertebrate C-lysozymechromosome CDS240343 474 + 0.5
kdgT b3909 2-keto-3-deoxygluconate permeasechromosome CDS4099713 984 + 0.527439
kdpF b4513 potassium ion accessory transporter subunitchromosome CDS727955 90 - 0.488889
kil b1352 Rac prophage; inhibitor of ftsZ, killing proteinchromosome CDS1416032 222 - 0.418919
lar b1348 Rac prophage; restriction alleviation proteinchromosome CDS1411757 195 - 0.405128
ldrA b4419 toxic polypeptide, smallchromosome CDS1268391 108 - 0.555556
ldrB b4421 toxic polypeptide, smallchromosome CDS1268926 108 - 0.583333
ldrC b4423 toxic polypeptide, smallchromosome CDS1269461 108 - 0.555556
ldrD b4453 toxic polypeptide, smallchromosome CDS3698003 108 - 0.527778
leuL b0075 leu operon leader peptidechromosome CDS83622 87 - 0.471264
lit b1139 e14 prophage; cell death peptidase, inhibitor of T4 late gene expressionchromosome CDS1197918 894 + 0.368009
lomR_2 b1371 Rac prophage; predicted protein, C-ter fragment (pseudogene)chromosome CDS1426838 171 + 0.578947
malM b4037 maltose regulon periplasmic proteinchromosome CDS4247577 921 + 0.534202
marB b1532 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS1618013 219 + 0.502283
mdoC b1047 glucans biosynthesis proteinchromosome CDS1107007 1158 - 0.438687
mhpB b0348 2,3-dihydroxyphenylpropionate 1,2-dioxygenasechromosome CDS369501 945 + 0.577778
mokB b1420 regulatory peptidechromosome CDS1489986 168 - 0.511905
mokC b0018 regulatory protein for HokC, overlaps CDS of hokCchromosome CDS16751 210 - 0.514286
msyB b1051 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS1113030 375 - 0.501333
ninE b0548 DLP12 prophage; conserved proteinchromosome CDS572144 171 + 0.48538
nrfB b4071 nitrite reductase, formate-dependent, penta-heme cytochrome cchromosome CDS4287268 567 + 0.539683
ogrK b2082 DNA-binding transcriptional regulator prophage P2 remnantchromosome CDS2165326 219 - 0.506849
ompG b1319 outer membrane porinchromosome CDS1379971 906 + 0.498896
ompL b3875 predicted outer membrane porin Lchromosome CDS4061626 693 - 0.408369
osmB b1283 lipoproteinchromosome CDS1341134 219 - 0.520548
osmE b1739 DNA-binding transcriptional activatorchromosome CDS1819942 339 - 0.495575
pbl b2854 predicted peptidoglycan-binding enzyme (pseudogene)chromosome CDS2992063 375 + 0.333333
pheL b2598 pheA gene leader peptidechromosome CDS2735621 48 + 0.375
pheM b1715 phenylalanyl-tRNA synthetase operon leader peptidechromosome CDS1797250 45 - 0.355556
pinH b2648 predicted invertase fragment (pseudogene)chromosome CDS2781087 144 - 0.451389
pioO b3322 part of gsp divergon involved in type II protein secretionchromosome CDS3451530 420 - 0.459524
pmrD b2259 polymyxin resistance protein Bchromosome CDS2371294 267 - 0.468165
psiF b0384 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS402505 321 + 0.476636
pspB b1305 phage shock protein Bchromosome CDS1366825 225 + 0.475556
pspD b1307 peripheral inner membrane phage-shock proteinchromosome CDS1367417 222 + 0.545045
pyrL b4246 pyrBI operon leader peptidechromosome CDS4470422 135 - 0.503704
racC b1351 Rac prophage; predicted proteinchromosome CDS1415512 276 - 0.391304
racR b1356 Rac prophage; predicted DNA-binding transcriptional regulatorchromosome CDS1417789 477 - 0.419287
rcsF b0196 predicted outer membrane protein, signalchromosome CDS219591 405 - 0.533333
recE b1350 Rac prophage; exonuclease VIII, 5' -> 3' specific dsDNA exonucleasechromosome CDS1412810 2601 - 0.494041
rem b1561 Qin prophage; predicted proteinchromosome CDS1642675 252 - 0.404762
renD b0542 DLP12 prophage; predicted proteinchromosome CDS567285 186 + 0.489247
rfaS b3629 lipopolysaccharide core biosynthesis proteinchromosome CDS3802204 936 - 0.268162
rffC b3790 TDP-fucosamine acetyltransferasechromosome CDS3972619 546 + 0.543956
rffT b4481 4-alpha-L-fucosyltransferasechromosome CDS3975548 1080 + 0.528704
rhoL b3782 rho operon leader peptidechromosome CDS3964254 102 + 0.490196
rof b0189 modulator of Rho-dependent transcription terminationchromosome CDS213678 255 - 0.478431
rzoD b4510 DLP12 prophage; predicted lipoproteinchromosome CDS577550 183 + 0.568306
rzoR b4528 Rac prophage; predicted lipoproteinchromosome CDS1421424 186 + 0.569892
rzpD b0556 DLP12 prophage; predicted murein endopeptidasechromosome CDS577330 462 + 0.512987
rzpR b1362 Rac prophage; predicted defective peptidasechromosome CDS1421369 300 + 0.533333
secM b0097 SecA regulator SecMchromosome CDS107705 513 + 0.539961
sgcB b4565 predicted enzyme IIB component of PTSchromosome CDS4528278 279 - 0.483871
sieB b1353 Rac prophage; phage superinfection exclusion proteinchromosome CDS1416695 489 + 0.372188
sseB b2522 rhodanase-like enzyme, sulfur transfer from thiosulfatechromosome CDS2652179 777 - 0.471042
stfE b1157 e14 prophage; predicted side tail fiber protein fragment (pseudogene)chromosome CDS1208342 537 - 0.454376
stfQ b1547 Qin prophage; predicted side tail fibre assembly proteinchromosome CDS1632909 963 - 0.52648
stfR b1372 Rac prophage; predicted tail fiber proteinchromosome CDS1427073 3363 + 0.533452
syd b2793 SecY interacting protein Sydchromosome CDS2922757 546 - 0.478022
tdcR b3119 DNA-binding transcriptional activatorchromosome CDS3265402 219 + 0.287671
tfaD b0561 DLP12 prophage; predicted tail fiber assembly protein (pseudogene)chromosome CDS580757 564 + 0.489362
tfaE b1156 e14 prophage; predicted tail fiber assembly proteinchromosome CDS1207740 603 - 0.477612
tfaS b2353 CPS-53 (KpLE1) prophage; tail fiber assembly protein fragment (pseudogene)chromosome CDS2468825 303 + 0.544554
thrL b0001 thr operon leader peptidechromosome CDS190 66 + 0.515152
tnaC b3707 tryptophanase leader peptidechromosome CDS3886458 75 + 0.346667
torI b4501 response regulator inhibitor for tor operonchromosome CDS2474332 201 + 0.437811
tpr b1229 predicted protamine-like proteinchromosome CDS1286310 102 - 0.647059
trpL b1265 trp operon leader peptidechromosome CDS1321062 45 - 0.444444
tus b1610 DNA replication terminus site-binding proteinchromosome CDS1682283 930 + 0.507527
uidC b1615 predicted outer membrane porin proteinchromosome CDS1689610 1266 - 0.471564
wbbH b2035 O-antigen polymerasechromosome CDS2104084 1167 - 0.323051
wbbI b2034 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS2103089 993 - 0.359517
wcaM b2043 predicted colanic acid biosynthesis proteinchromosome CDS2112526 1395 - 0.470968
yaaI b0013 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS11382 405 - 0.488889
yaaX b0005 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS5234 297 + 0.538721
yaaY b0024 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS21181 219 + 0.488584
yabP b0056 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS58474 651 + 0.451613
yabQ b0057 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS59121 159 + 0.339623
yacC b0122 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS136570 348 - 0.5
yacH b0117 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS129407 1854 - 0.538835
yadL b0137 predicted fimbrial-like adhesin proteinchromosome CDS151626 606 - 0.425743
yadM b0138 predicted fimbrial-like adhesin proteinchromosome CDS152243 570 - 0.42807
yaeP b4406 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS213925 201 - 0.507463
yafO b0233 predicted toxin of the YafO-YafN toxin-antitoxin systemchromosome CDS252301 399 + 0.43609
yafT b0217 predicted aminopeptidasechromosome CDS237335 786 + 0.427481
yafU b0218 predicted inner membrane proteinchromosome CDS238746 339 - 0.39233
yafW b0246 CP4-6 prophage; antitoxin of the YkfI-YafW toxin-antitoxin systemchromosome CDS262914 318 - 0.569182
yafX b0248 CP4-6 prophage; predicted proteinchromosome CDS263972 459 - 0.555556
yafZ b0252 CP4-6 prophage; conserved proteinchromosome CDS266408 822 - 0.577859
yagB b0266 CP4-6 prophage; conserved proteinchromosome CDS279609 351 - 0.509971
yagK b0277 CP4-6 prophage; conserved proteinchromosome CDS291546 627 - 0.448166
yagM b0279 CP4-6 prophage; predicted proteinchromosome CDS293169 855 - 0.362573
yagN b0280 CP4-6 prophage; predicted proteinchromosome CDS294363 441 - 0.435374
yagV b0289 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS303719 711 - 0.530239
yagW b0290 predicted receptorchromosome CDS304398 1644 - 0.515815
yagY b0292 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS308582 669 - 0.54858
yahE b0319 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS335149 864 + 0.471065
yahG b0321 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS337549 1419 + 0.58351
yahH b0322 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS339017 297 + 0.575758
yahL b0326 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS343400 816 + 0.38848
yahO b0329 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS345708 276 + 0.387681
yaiA b0389 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS406203 192 + 0.484375
yaiB b0382 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS400610 261 + 0.463602
yaiO b0358 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS379293 774 - 0.501292
yaiW b0378 predicted DNA-binding transcriptional regulatorchromosome CDS397096 1095 + 0.534247
yaiY b0379 predicted inner membrane proteinchromosome CDS398249 309 - 0.524272
yaiZ b0380 predicted inner membrane proteinchromosome CDS398817 213 + 0.488263
yajI b0412 predicted lipoproteinchromosome CDS431536 540 - 0.475926
ybaJ b0461 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS479558 375 - 0.405333
ybaM b0466 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS489334 162 - 0.481481
ybbC b0498 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS526805 369 + 0.306233
ybbD b0500 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS527864 261 + 0.279693
ybbV b0510 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS536720 279 + 0.354839
ybcC b0539 DLP12 prophage; predicted exonucleasechromosome CDS565321 264 - 0.496212
ybcD b4508 DLP12 prophage; predicted replication protein fragment (pseudogene)chromosome CDS565674 237 + 0.50211
ybcH b0567 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS586314 891 - 0.523008
ybcN b0547 DLP12 prophage; predicted proteinchromosome CDS571689 456 + 0.504386
ybcO b0549 DLP12 prophage; predicted proteinchromosome CDS572307 291 + 0.532646
ybcQ b0551 DLP12 prophage; predicted antitermination proteinchromosome CDS573179 384 + 0.429688
ybcV b0558 DLP12 prophage; predicted proteinchromosome CDS578407 411 - 0.316302
ybcW b0559 DLP12 prophage; predicted proteinchromosome CDS579103 207 + 0.396135
ybdJ b0580 predicted inner membrane proteinchromosome CDS605174 249 - 0.506024
ybeR b0645 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS675934 708 + 0.457627
ybeU b0648 predicted tRNA ligasechromosome CDS678731 708 + 0.475989
ybfA b0699 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS728357 207 + 0.502415
ybfC b0704 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS734873 570 + 0.366667
ybfE b0685 LexA regulated proteinchromosome CDS710828 294 - 0.537415
ybfG b0690 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS715170 411 - 0.437956
ybfH b0691 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS715611 210 - 0.42381
ybfL b0705 predicted transposase (pseudogene)chromosome CDS736123 1062 + 0.419962
ybfM b0681 predicted outer membrane porinchromosome CDS707557 1407 + 0.512438
ybgO b0716 predicted fimbrial-like adhesin proteinchromosome CDS747144 1062 - 0.449153
ybgS b0753 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS784160 381 - 0.503937
ybgT b4515 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS773419 114 + 0.517544
ybhT b0762 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS793996 150 + 0.413333
ybiH b0796 predicted DNA-binding transcriptional regulatorchromosome CDS829195 672 - 0.541667
ybiJ b0802 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS836888 261 - 0.505747
ybiM b0806 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS841019 261 - 0.524904
ybiU b0821 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS857019 1266 - 0.556082
ybjC b0850 predicted inner membrane proteinchromosome CDS890136 288 + 0.503472
ybjH b0843 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS884169 285 - 0.529825
ybjN b0853 predicted oxidoreductasechromosome CDS892180 477 + 0.484277
ybjO b0858 predicted inner membrane proteinchromosome CDS897212 489 + 0.521472
ycbJ b0919 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS970975 894 + 0.524608
ycbV b0943 predicted fimbrial-like adhesin proteinchromosome CDS1002662 516 + 0.472868
ycbW b0946 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS1005175 543 + 0.493554
yccE b1001 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS1063259 1257 + 0.341289
yccJ b1003 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS1066087 228 - 0.469298
ycdP b1021 predicted inner membrane proteinchromosome CDS1085329 414 - 0.442029
ycdZ b1036 predicted inner membrane proteinchromosome CDS1099519 492 + 0.538618
yceB b1063 predicted lipoproteinchromosome CDS1121936 561 - 0.468806
yceO b1058 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS1118530 141 - 0.375887
yceP b1060 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS1119924 255 - 0.45098
yceQ b1085 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS1143725 321 + 0.445483
ycfK b1154 e14 prophage; predicted proteinchromosome CDS1206724 630 + 0.503175
ycfZ b1121 predicted inner membrane proteinchromosome CDS1179702 789 - 0.425856
ycgI b1173 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS1222918 213 + 0.511737
ycgJ b1177 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS1225823 369 + 0.422764
ycgK b1178 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS1226294 402 - 0.430348
ycgY b1196 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS1244383 441 + 0.414966
ycgZ b1164 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS1215012 237 + 0.417722
ychH b1205 predicted inner membrane proteinchromosome CDS1258014 279 + 0.530466
ychP b1220 predicted invasinchromosome CDS1273148 1254 + 0.511164
ychS b1228 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS1285932 276 + 0.594203
yciC b1255 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS1310944 744 - 0.49328
yciN b1273 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS1328441 252 - 0.472222
yciW b1287 predicted oxidoreductasechromosome CDS1347004 1128 - 0.507979
yciX_1 b4522 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS1333184 129 + 0.496124
yciX_2 b4523 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS1333294 189 + 0.455026
ydaC b1347 Rac prophage; predicted proteinchromosome CDS1411555 210 - 0.347619
ydaE b4526 Rac prophage; conserved proteinchromosome CDS1415862 171 - 0.368421
ydaF b4527 Rac prophage; predicted proteinchromosome CDS1417180 156 - 0.49359
ydaG b1355 Rac prophage; predicted proteinchromosome CDS1417346 135 - 0.474074
ydaQ b1346 Rac prophage; conserved proteinchromosome CDS1411261 216 - 0.449074
ydaT b1358 Rac prophage; predicted proteinchromosome CDS1418708 423 + 0.508274
ydaW b1361 Rac prophage; predicted DNA-binding proteinchromosome CDS1420776 561 + 0.488414
ydaY b1366 Rac prophage; predicted proteinchromosome CDS1423645 360 + 0.472222
ydbD b1407 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS1473168 2307 + 0.434764
ydbH b1381 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS1441075 2640 + 0.521212
ydbL b1383 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS1443904 327 + 0.449541
ydcA b1419 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS1489701 174 + 0.442529
ydcD b1457 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS1527946 483 + 0.273292
ydcL b1431 predicted lipoproteinchromosome CDS1500481 669 + 0.446936
ydcX b1445 predicted inner membrane proteinchromosome CDS1515413 174 + 0.448276
ydcY b1446 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS1515672 234 + 0.542735
yddJ b1470 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS1542408 336 - 0.357143
ydeQ b1502 predicted fimbrial-like adhesin proteinchromosome CDS1584844 915 - 0.446995
ydfA b1571 Qin prophage; predicted proteinchromosome CDS1646532 156 + 0.480769
ydfB b1572 Qin prophage; predicted proteinchromosome CDS1646689 129 + 0.465116
ydfC b1573 Qin prophage; predicted proteinchromosome CDS1646847 219 + 0.479452
ydfD b1576 Qin prophage; predicted proteinchromosome CDS1647818 192 + 0.432292
ydfE b1577 Qin prophage; predicted proteinchromosome CDS1648102 921 + 0.497286
ydfK b1544 Qin prophage; predicted DNA-binding transcriptional regulatorchromosome CDS1631063 267 + 0.333333
ydfO b1549 Qin prophage; predicted proteinchromosome CDS1635071 411 + 0.316302
ydfP b1553 Qin prophage; conserved proteinchromosome CDS1637054 498 - 0.457831
ydfR b1555 Qin prophage; predicted proteinchromosome CDS1638078 312 - 0.435897
ydfU b1560 Qin prophage; predicted proteinchromosome CDS1641279 1050 - 0.521905
ydfV b1565 Qin prophage; predicted proteinchromosome CDS1643921 306 + 0.460784
ydfW b1567 Qin prophage; predicted proteinchromosome CDS1645198 150 - 0.433333
ydfX b1568 Qin prophage; predicted proteinchromosome CDS1645370 291 - 0.505155
ydfZ b1541 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS1627239 204 + 0.519608
ydgH b1604 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS1676451 945 + 0.511111
ydgK b1626 conserved inner membrane proteinchromosome CDS1703274 441 + 0.487528
ydgT b1625 predicted regulatorchromosome CDS1702973 216 + 0.472222
ydhA b1639 predicted lipoproteinchromosome CDS1716090 330 - 0.457576
ydhI b1643 predicted inner membrane proteinchromosome CDS1719049 237 + 0.489451
ydhT b1669 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS1746771 813 - 0.528905
ydhW b1672 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS1749101 648 - 0.523148
ydhZ b1675 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS1752956 210 - 0.466667
ydiH b1685 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS1762958 270 - 0.444444
ydiL b1689 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS1768639 357 + 0.456583
ydjO b1730 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS1810353 816 - 0.355392
ydjR b1742 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS1822386 576 - 0.519097
ydjY b1751 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS1832140 678 + 0.483776
yebB b1862 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS1944275 603 + 0.441128
yebF b1847 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS1928058 369 - 0.487805
yebO b1825 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS1906285 288 - 0.434028
yebV b1836 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS1919804 237 + 0.485232
yebW b1837 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS1920145 192 + 0.458333
yecF b1915 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS1993842 225 + 0.48
yecH b1906 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS1987275 240 - 0.470833
yecJ b4537 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS1985531 252 - 0.484127
yecR b1904 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS1986246 324 + 0.503086
yedD b1928 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS2005701 414 - 0.570048
yedR b1963 predicted inner membrane proteinchromosome CDS2031143 366 - 0.5
yeeJ b1978 adhesinchromosome CDS2042935 7104 + 0.499859
yeeR b2001 CP4-44 prophage; predicted membrane proteinchromosome CDS2072803 1533 + 0.502935
yeeT b2003 CP4-44 prophage; predicted proteinchromosome CDS2074841 222 + 0.527027
yeeU b2004 CP4-44 prophage; antitoxin of the YeeV-YeeU toxin-antitoxin systemchromosome CDS2075136 369 + 0.571816
yeeV b2005 CP4-44 prophage; toxin of the YeeV-YeeU toxin-antitoxin systemchromosome CDS2075593 375 + 0.530667
yeeW b2006 CP4-44 prophage; predicted proteinchromosome CDS2075964 195 + 0.492308
yegK b2072 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS2149735 762 - 0.52231
yegR b2085 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS2166013 318 - 0.36478
yegX b2102 predicted hydrolasechromosome CDS2180855 819 - 0.479853
yehA b2108 predicted fimbrial-like adhesin proteinchromosome CDS2185402 1035 - 0.38744
yehE b2112 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS2190537 282 - 0.439716
yehI b2118 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS2198301 3633 + 0.507845
yehK b4541 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS2201994 318 + 0.386792
yehM b2120 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS2203717 2280 + 0.557018
yehP b2121 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS2205989 1137 + 0.543536
yehQ b2122 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS2207122 1845 + 0.548509
yehR b2123 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS2209247 462 + 0.424242
yeiS b2145 predicted inner membrane proteinchromosome CDS2231622 240 + 0.429167
yeiW b4502 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS2263063 255 - 0.556863
yejG b2181 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS2275915 345 - 0.486957
yfaA b2230 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS2332978 1689 - 0.511545
yfaZ b2250 predicted outer membrane porin proteinchromosome CDS2361755 543 - 0.532228
yfbM b2272 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS2384956 504 + 0.456349
yfbO b2274 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS2386603 477 + 0.383648
yfcL b2325 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS2441913 279 - 0.526882
yfcO b2332 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS2447250 822 - 0.454988
yfcZ b2343 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS2458672 285 - 0.515789
yfdF b2345 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS2461034 1059 + 0.355052
yfdI b2352 CPS-53 (KpLE1) prophage; predicted inner membrane proteinchromosome CDS2467153 1332 + 0.275526
yfdK b2354 CPS-53 (KpLE1) prophage; conserved proteinchromosome CDS2469099 441 - 0.455782
yfdL b2355 CPS-53 (KpLE1) prophage; conserved proteinchromosome CDS2469566 519 - 0.495183
yfdM b2356 CPS-53 (KpLE1) prophage; predicted methyltransferasechromosome CDS2470134 276 - 0.525362
yfdN b2357 CPS-53 (KpLE1) prophage; predicted proteinchromosome CDS2470409 495 - 0.543434
yfdO b2358 CPS-53 (KpLE1) prophage; predicted defective phage replication protein Ochromosome CDS2470900 369 - 0.560976
yfdP b2359 CPS-53 (KpLE1) prophage; predicted proteinchromosome CDS2471542 447 + 0.494407
yfdR b2361 CPS-53 (KpLE1) prophage; conserved proteinchromosome CDS2473006 537 + 0.461825
yfdS b2362 CPS-53 (KpLE1) prophage; predicted proteinchromosome CDS2473533 363 + 0.471074
yfdT b2363 CPS-53 (KpLE1) prophage; predicted proteinchromosome CDS2473895 306 + 0.428105
yfdY b2377 predicted inner membrane proteinchromosome CDS2493072 243 - 0.481481
yfeC b2398 predicted DNA-binding transcriptional regulatorchromosome CDS2516489 345 + 0.501449
yfeK b2419 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS2535364 375 + 0.464
yfeN b2408 conserved outer membrane proteinchromosome CDS2523149 765 + 0.452288
yfeY b2432 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS2548663 576 - 0.508681
yfeZ b2433 predicted inner membrane proteinchromosome CDS2549299 450 - 0.528889
yffI b2438 predicted carboxysome structural protein with predicted role in ethanolamine utilizationchromosome CDS2553250 501 - 0.580838
yffL b2443 CPZ-55 prophage; predicted proteinchromosome CDS2558279 642 + 0.443925
yffM b2444 CPZ-55 prophage; predicted proteinchromosome CDS2559390 246 + 0.487805
yffN b2445 CPZ-55 prophage; predicted proteinchromosome CDS2559632 384 + 0.466146
yffO b2446 CPZ-55 prophage; predicted proteinchromosome CDS2560133 417 + 0.489209
yffP b2447 CPZ-55 prophage; predicted proteinchromosome CDS2560546 594 + 0.523569
yffQ b2448 CPZ-55 prophage; predicted proteinchromosome CDS2561599 393 + 0.440204
yffR b2449 CPZ-55 prophage; predicted proteinchromosome CDS2562002 393 + 0.440204
yfgG b2504 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS2627312 192 + 0.494792
yfgH b2505 predicted outer membrane lipoproteinchromosome CDS2627814 519 + 0.472062
yfgI b2506 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS2628348 540 + 0.492593
yfgJ b2510 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS2633621 216 - 0.476852
yfhG b2555 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS2686815 714 - 0.542017
yfiL b2602 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS2739382 366 + 0.456284
yfiR b2603 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS2739897 519 + 0.456647
yfjJ b2626 CP4-57 prophage; predicted proteinchromosome CDS2758569 627 + 0.403509
yfjL b2628 CP4-57 prophage; predicted proteinchromosome CDS2761559 1617 - 0.486704
yfjM b2629 CP4-57 prophage; predicted proteinchromosome CDS2763535 264 - 0.454545
yfjN b2630 CP4-57 prophage; RNase LSchromosome CDS2763940 1074 + 0.443203
yfjO b2631 CP4-57 prophage; predicted proteinchromosome CDS2765006 372 + 0.459677
yfjQ b2633 CP4-57 prophage; predicted proteinchromosome CDS2766687 822 + 0.555961
yfjS b2636 CP4-57 prophage; predicted proteinchromosome CDS2768703 444 + 0.509009
yfjT b2637 CP4-57 prophage; predicted proteinchromosome CDS2769170 468 + 0.512821
yfjW b2642 CP4-57 prophage; predicted inner membrane proteinchromosome CDS2771340 1704 + 0.312207
yfjX b2643 CP4-57 prophage; predicted antirestriction proteinchromosome CDS2773941 459 + 0.540305
yfjZ b2645 CP4-57 prophage; antitoxin of the YpjF-YfjZ toxin-antitoxin systemchromosome CDS2775137 318 + 0.544025
ygaC b2671 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS2797672 345 - 0.469565
ygaH b2683 predicted inner membrane proteinchromosome CDS2808366 336 + 0.544643
ygaQ b2654 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS2784419 333 + 0.33033
ygaT b2659 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS2787007 978 + 0.542945
ygaW b2670 predicted inner membrane proteinchromosome CDS2797186 450 + 0.491111
ygbA b2732 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS2854475 354 - 0.50565
ygbE b2749 conserved inner membrane proteinchromosome CDS2871036 324 - 0.481481
ygbF b2754 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS2876591 285 - 0.463158
ygcH b2756 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS2877810 600 - 0.453333
ygcI b2757 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS2878396 675 - 0.481481
ygcJ b2758 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS2879073 1092 - 0.434982
ygcK b2759 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS2880177 483 - 0.463768
ygcL b2760 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS2880652 1509 - 0.438038
ygdB b2824 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS2960771 408 - 0.526961
ygdI b2809 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS2940940 228 - 0.464912
ygeF b2850 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS2988576 447 + 0.324385
ygeI b2853 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS2991660 219 + 0.3379
ygeM b2857 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS2993336 432 - 0.31713
ygeN b2858 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS2993770 273 - 0.296703
ygeO b2859 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS2993984 426 - 0.359155
ygeP b2862 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS2995711 300 - 0.383333
ygeQ b2863 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS2996056 795 - 0.427673
ygfX b2896 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS3038438 408 - 0.534314
yghG b2971 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS3111089 411 - 0.440389
yghJ b4466 predicted inner membrane lipoproteinchromosome CDS3112572 4563 - 0.520272
yghW b2998 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS3144472 288 - 0.454861
ygiA b3036 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS3177618 261 + 0.528736
ygiB b3037 conserved outer membrane proteinchromosome CDS3177862 576 + 0.565972
ygiZ b3027 conserved inner membrane proteinchromosome CDS3169901 333 - 0.342342
ygjJ b3079 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS3225823 1071 + 0.519141
yhaB b3120 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS3265876 540 + 0.355556
yhaL b3107 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS3253065 165 + 0.521212
yhaV b3130 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS3275359 465 + 0.43871
yhcF b3219 predicted transcriptional regulatorchromosome CDS3364948 717 + 0.435146
yhcN b3238 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS3383560 264 + 0.484848
yhdN b3293 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS3437163 369 - 0.479675
yhdU b3263 predicted membrane proteinchromosome CDS3410643 180 + 0.405556
yhdV b3267 predicted outer membrane proteinchromosome CDS3416412 222 + 0.540541
yhfG b3362 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS3489475 168 - 0.511905
yhfL b3369 conserved secreted peptidechromosome CDS3497470 168 + 0.422619
yhfS b3376 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS3502957 1086 - 0.569061
yhfU b3378 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS3505370 354 - 0.474576
yhfY b3382 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS3509082 363 - 0.515152
yhfZ b3383 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS3509461 906 - 0.524283
yhgA b3411 predicted transposasechromosome CDS3541189 879 + 0.47554
yhgE b3402 predicted inner membrane proteinchromosome CDS3528737 1725 - 0.50087
yhgG b3410 predicted DNA-binding transcriptional regulatorchromosome CDS3540750 237 + 0.548523
yhhA b3448 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS3584966 441 + 0.514739
yhhH b3483 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS3621422 384 + 0.333333
yhhM b3467 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS3603274 360 - 0.511111
yhiJ b3488 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS3628991 1623 - 0.374615
yhiK b3489 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS3630875 393 - 0.356234
yhiL b3490 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS3631243 1239 - 0.347054
yhiO b3494 universal stress protein UspBchromosome CDS3637408 336 - 0.470238
yhjR b3535 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS3694020 189 - 0.460317
yhjY b3548 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS3710259 699 - 0.502146
yiaB b3563 conserved inner membrane proteinchromosome CDS3725430 342 - 0.415205
yiaF b3554 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS3716357 711 - 0.504923
yiaW b3587 conserved inner membrane proteinchromosome CDS3752128 324 - 0.466049
yibI b3598 predicted inner membrane proteinchromosome CDS3769405 363 - 0.515152
yibL b3602 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS3774688 363 + 0.509642
yibT b4554 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS3774194 210 - 0.490476
yicH b3655 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS3828480 1710 + 0.542105
yicN b3663 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS3839973 453 - 0.527594
yicS b4555 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS3838238 294 + 0.428571
yidB b3698 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS3875090 399 - 0.511278
yidI b3677 predicted inner membrane proteinchromosome CDS3854438 450 + 0.48
yidQ b3688 conserved outer membrane proteinchromosome CDS3865751 333 + 0.537538
yidX b3696 predicted lipoproteinCchromosome CDS3873461 657 + 0.429224
yigG b3818 predicted inner membrane proteinchromosome CDS4000836 381 - 0.328084
yihF b3861 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS4042222 1431 + 0.416492
yiiE b3889 predicted transcriptional regulatorchromosome CDS4077314 219 + 0.47032
yiiF b3890 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS4077774 219 + 0.461187
yiiQ b3920 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS4109638 600 - 0.491667
yjaH b4001 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS4198589 696 + 0.534483
yjbD b4023 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS4229382 273 - 0.494505
yjbE b4026 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS4233929 243 + 0.604938
yjbF b4027 predicted lipoproteinchromosome CDS4234285 639 + 0.547731
yjbG b4028 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS4234920 738 + 0.586721
yjbH b4029 predicted porinchromosome CDS4235657 2097 + 0.540296
yjbL b4047 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS4258344 255 + 0.286275
yjbM b4048 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS4258622 708 + 0.365819
yjbO b4050 phage shock protein Gchromosome CDS4260863 243 + 0.497942
yjcB b4060 predicted inner membrane proteinchromosome CDS4272783 282 - 0.524823
yjcZ b4110 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS4327383 879 + 0.568828
yjdK b4128 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS4350607 297 + 0.350168
yjdO b4559 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS4350931 174 + 0.350575
yjdP b4487 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS4311891 330 + 0.560606
yjeI b4144 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS4370832 354 + 0.553672
yjeN b4157 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS4383416 315 + 0.501587
yjeO b4158 conserved inner membrane proteinchromosome CDS4383727 315 + 0.479365
yjfK b4183 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS4409325 660 + 0.474242
yjfM b4185 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS4410410 639 + 0.489828
yjfN b4188 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS4414040 276 - 0.51087
yjfO b4189 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS4414464 330 - 0.487879
yjfY b4199 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS4422539 276 - 0.460145
yjfZ b4204 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS4424651 795 - 0.423899
yjgL b4253 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS4473460 1815 + 0.321763
yjgW b4274 KpLE2 phage-like element; predicted proteinchromosome CDS4497622 336 + 0.46131
yjgZ b4277 KpLE2 phage-like element; predicted proteinchromosome CDS4499283 330 + 0.581818
yjhA b4311 N-acetylnuraminic acid outer membrane channel proteinchromosome CDS4536808 717 - 0.429568
yjhD b4281 KpLE2 phage-like element; predicted protein (pseudogene)chromosome CDS4504649 231 - 0.47619
yjhS b4309 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS4534637 981 - 0.487258
yjhX b4566 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS4531819 258 - 0.496124
yjiC b4325 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS4553513 831 - 0.401925
yjiD b4326 DNA replication/recombination/repair proteinchromosome CDS4555016 393 + 0.48855
yjiP b4338 predicted transposase (pseudogene)chromosome CDS4567021 312 + 0.474359
yjiQ b4339 predicted transposasechromosome CDS4567381 561 + 0.490196
yjiS b4341 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS4569774 165 + 0.557576
yjiT b4342 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS4570437 1518 + 0.444664
yjiW b4347 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS4577522 399 - 0.546366
yjjA b4360 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS4597718 495 - 0.50505
yjjI b4380 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS4613538 1551 - 0.53127
yjjY b4402 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS4638425 141 + 0.425532
yjjZ b4567 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS4603827 237 + 0.481013
ykfB b0250 CP4-6 prophage; predicted proteinchromosome CDS264844 468 - 0.525641
ykfF b0249 CP4-6 prophage; predicted proteinchromosome CDS264528 240 - 0.5875
ykfH b4504 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS263250 222 - 0.558559
ykfI b0245 CP4-6 prophage; toxin of the YkfI-YafW toxin-antitoxin systemchromosome CDS262552 342 - 0.511696
ykgH b0310 predicted inner membrane proteinchromosome CDS323920 669 - 0.369208
ykgI b0303 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS317555 237 - 0.35443
ykgL b0295 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS311336 228 + 0.438596
ykiA b0392 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS407893 282 + 0.485816
ykiB b0370 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS389121 219 - 0.278539
ylaC b0458 predicted inner membrane proteinchromosome CDS478005 471 - 0.471338
ylbF b0520 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS548850 816 + 0.568627
ylbG b0502 predicted DNA-binding transcriptional regulatorchromosome CDS528869 372 - 0.502688
ylcE b0563 DLP12 prophage; predicted proteinchromosome CDS582098 186 + 0.494624
ylcG b4509 DLP12 prophage; predicted proteinchromosome CDS572953 141 + 0.475177
yliH b0836 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS877471 384 + 0.486979
yliL b0816 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS851894 270 + 0.507407
ymcA b0984 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS1045072 2097 - 0.51979
ymcB b0985 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS1047168 747 - 0.523427
ymcC b0986 predicted outer membrane lipoproteinchromosome CDS1047911 645 - 0.475969
ymcD b0987 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS1048662 306 - 0.575163
ymcE b0991 cold shock genechromosome CDS1051070 231 + 0.415584
ymdA b1044 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS1104637 312 + 0.435897
ymdF b4518 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS1067304 174 + 0.511494
ymfA b1122 predicted inner membrane proteinchromosome CDS1180487 462 - 0.435065
ymfE b1138 e14 prophage; predicted inner membrane proteinchromosome CDS1196756 705 - 0.30922
ymfG b1141 e14 prophage; predicted excisionasechromosome CDS1200010 246 - 0.443089
ymfH b1142 e14 prophage; predicted proteinchromosome CDS1200292 312 - 0.541667
ymfI b1143 e14 prophage; predicted proteinchromosome CDS1200720 342 + 0.385965
ymfJ b1144 e14 prophage; predicted proteinchromosome CDS1200999 309 - 0.469256
ymfM b1148 e14 prophage; predicted proteinchromosome CDS1203045 339 + 0.498525
ymfR b1150 e14 prophage; predicted proteinchromosome CDS1204772 183 + 0.601093
ymfS b1155 e14 prophage; predicted proteinchromosome CDS1207355 414 + 0.42029
ymfT b1146 e14 prophage; predicted DNA-binding transcriptional regulatorchromosome CDS1202247 201 + 0.427861
ymgA b1165 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS1215291 273 + 0.369963
ymgB b1166 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS1215592 267 + 0.348315
ymgC b1167 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS1215971 249 + 0.35743
ymgD b1171 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS1221528 330 - 0.451515
ymgF b4520 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS1218206 219 + 0.401826
ymgG b1172 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS1221867 276 - 0.532609
ymgH b4521 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS1222688 222 + 0.504505
ynaE b1375 Rac prophage; predicted DNA-binding transcriptional regulatorchromosome CDS1432015 267 - 0.337079
ynbE b1382 predicted lipoproteinchromosome CDS1443711 186 + 0.430108
yncH b1455 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS1524964 213 + 0.314554
yncJ b1436 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS1506858 231 - 0.489177
yncN b4532 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS1507310 177 + 0.491525
yneE b1520 conserved inner membrane proteinchromosome CDS1606132 915 - 0.479781
yneG b1523 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS1609990 360 - 0.527778
yneK b1527 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS1613787 1116 + 0.397849
ynfB b1583 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS1653832 342 + 0.511696
ynfC b1585 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS1654771 711 - 0.437412
ynfD b1586 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS1655589 306 + 0.562092
ynfN b1551 Qin prophage; predicted proteinchromosome CDS1635978 156 - 0.435897
ynfO b4533 Qin prophage; predicted proteinchromosome CDS1634780 234 + 0.444444
yniB b1726 predicted inner membrane proteinchromosome CDS1806721 537 - 0.439479
yniD b4535 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS1803174 123 + 0.487805
ynjB b1754 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS1834097 1167 + 0.563839
ynjH b1760 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS1839887 273 - 0.505495
ynjI b1762 predicted inner membrane proteinchromosome CDS1841855 1041 - 0.413064
yoaC b1810 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS1892097 360 + 0.416667
yoaG b1796 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS1877427 183 - 0.459016
yoaI b1788 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS1872102 105 - 0.428571
yobF b1824 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS1905472 144 - 0.423611
yobG b1826 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS1906647 144 - 0.465278
yobH b4536 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS1906949 240 + 0.4375
yodD b1953 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS2023010 228 + 0.486842
yoeF b4538 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS2076599 357 + 0.484594
yohC b2135 predicted inner membrane proteinchromosome CDS2223066 588 - 0.535714
yohH b2139 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS2226571 138 - 0.528986
yohN b2107 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS2184982 339 + 0.498525
yohO b4542 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS2213679 108 + 0.490741
ypdI b2376 predicted lipoprotein involved in colanic acid biosynthesischromosome CDS2492720 276 + 0.402174
ypeC b2390 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS2509023 327 + 0.541284
ypfN b4547 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS2590784 201 + 0.482587
ypjB b2649 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS2781660 792 - 0.35101
ypjC b2650 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS2782551 483 - 0.327122
ypjF b2646 CP4-57 prophage; toxin of the YpjF-YfjZ toxin-antitoxin systemchromosome CDS2775475 330 + 0.475758
ypjJ b4548 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS2774899 201 + 0.547264
ypjK b2635 CP4-57 prophage; predicted inner membrane proteinchromosome CDS2768467 237 + 0.531646
yqaC b2657 conserved protein (pseudogene)chromosome CDS2785664 597 + 0.370184
yqaD b2658 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS2786399 273 + 0.369963
yqeJ b2848 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS2987326 483 + 0.31677
yqeK b2849 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS2987957 426 - 0.328638
yqgB b2939 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS3083942 147 - 0.394558
yqgC b2940 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS3084209 216 + 0.481481
yqgD b2941 predicted inner membrane proteinchromosome CDS3084421 252 - 0.428571
yqhG b3013 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS3155672 927 + 0.473571
yqiI b3048 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS3188654 1065 + 0.399061
yqiJ b3050 predicted inner membrane proteinchromosome CDS3190230 630 + 0.425397
yqjB b3096 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS3246461 384 + 0.539062
yqjC b3097 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS3246991 369 + 0.487805
yqjE b3099 conserved inner membrane proteinchromosome CDS3247705 405 + 0.528395
yrbL b3207 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS3346474 633 + 0.511848
yrdB b3280 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS3427788 258 - 0.492248
yrfA b3392 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS3518637 405 - 0.523457
yrfD b3395 predicted pilus assembly proteinchromosome CDS3519994 780 - 0.576923
yrfF b3398 predicted inner membrane proteinchromosome CDS3524491 2136 + 0.527622
yrhA b3443 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS3581064 414 + 0.297101
yrhB b3446 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS3582782 285 + 0.45614
ysaB b4553 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS3723436 300 - 0.476667
ytfI b4215 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS4435730 939 + 0.361022
ytfK b4217 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS4437610 207 + 0.434783
ytjA b4568 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS4610133 180 + 0.511111
yzcX b3808 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS3991873 486 + 0.497942
yzfA b4223 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS4445999 270 - 0.522222
yzgL b3427 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS3561747 282 - 0.460993