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COG category: Cell motility
Gene type: CDS
Gene type: CDS
Genomic element: chromosome

Number of genes found: 114

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Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Paratyphi A str. ATCC 9150, ATCC 9150
NameLocus tagProduct / DescriptionGenomic elementTypeBeginLengthStrandGC-content
NA SPA3020 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS3123146 1644 - 0.572993
NA SPA0549 putative receptor/regulator proteinchromosome CDS623644 1005 - 0.517413
NA SPA2581 putative capsid proteinchromosome CDS2680460 834 - 0.586331
NA SPA2482 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS2585994 1305 - 0.594636
NA SPA3006 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS3109444 1056 - 0.429924
NA SPA2448 probable secreted proteinchromosome CDS2545075 408 + 0.470588
NA SPA1455 putative pathogenicity island effector effector proteinchromosome CDS1527774 591 - 0.431472
NA SPA2573 putative regulatory proteinchromosome CDS2676448 426 - 0.619718
NA SPA0083 probable secreted proteinchromosome CDS94519 291 - 0.463918
bcfA SPA0021 fimbrial subunitchromosome CDS24462 543 + 0.521179
bcfB SPA0022 fimbrial chaperonechromosome CDS25105 687 + 0.510917
bcfC SPA0023 fimbrial usherchromosome CDS25796 2622 + 0.541571
bcfD SPA0024 fimbrial subunitchromosome CDS28418 1008 + 0.503968
bcfE SPA0025 fimbrial subunitchromosome CDS29426 546 + 0.47619
bcfG SPA0027 fimbrial chaperonechromosome CDS30498 705 + 0.541844
cheA SPA0947 chemotaxis protein CheAchromosome CDS1018172 2016 + 0.551587
cheB SPA0951 chemotaxis-specific methylesterasechromosome CDS1023336 1050 + 0.55619
cheM SPA3084 methyl-accepting chemotaxis protein IIchromosome CDS3191260 1566 - 0.502554
cheR SPA0950 chemotaxis protein methyltransferasechromosome CDS1022473 867 + 0.527105
cheW SPA0948 purine binding chemotaxis proteinchromosome CDS1020208 504 + 0.531746
cheZ SPA0953 chemotaxis protein CheZchromosome CDS1024803 645 + 0.570543
cpxP SPA3903 extracytoplasmic stress protein for protein-mediated toxicitieschromosome CDS4048631 501 + 0.506986
csgA SPA1707 major curlin subunit precursorchromosome CDS1766791 456 - 0.510965
fimA SPA2182 type-1 fimbrial protein, a chain precursorchromosome CDS2269893 558 - 0.544803
fimC SPA2180 fimbrial chaperone proteinchromosome CDS2268549 693 - 0.503608
fimD SPA2179 outer membrane usher protein FimD precursorchromosome CDS2265906 2613 - 0.553387
fimF SPA2177 fimbria-like protein FimF precursorchromosome CDS2264356 519 - 0.55106
fimH SPA2178 FimH protein precursorchromosome CDS2264884 1008 - 0.519841
fimI SPA2181 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS2269285 534 - 0.546816
flgA SPA1678 flagellar basal body P-ring biosynthesis proteinchromosome CDS1740785 660 + 0.578788
flgB SPA1677 flagellar basal body rod proteinchromosome CDS1740212 417 - 0.52518
flgC SPA1676 flagellar basal body rod proteinchromosome CDS1739804 405 - 0.555556
flgD SPA1675 flagellar basal body rod modification proteinchromosome CDS1739094 699 - 0.546495
flgE SPA1674 flagellar hook proteinchromosome CDS1737856 1212 - 0.55363
flgF SPA1673 putative flagellar basal-body rod protein FlgF (proximal rod protein)chromosome CDS1737080 756 - 0.608466
flgG SPA1672 flagellar basal-body rod protein FlgG (distal rod protein)chromosome CDS1736284 783 - 0.56705
flgH SPA1671 flagellar L-ring protein precursorchromosome CDS1735531 699 - 0.543634
flgI SPA1670 flagellar P-ring protein precursorchromosome CDS1734422 1098 - 0.578324
flgJ SPA1669 flagellar biosynthesis proteinchromosome CDS1733472 951 - 0.564669
flgK SPA1668 flagellar hook-associated proteinchromosome CDS1731746 1662 - 0.516245
flgL SPA1667 flagellar hook-associated proteinchromosome CDS1730778 954 - 0.536688
flgM SPA1679 negative regulator of flagellin synthesis (anti-sigma factor)chromosome CDS1741536 294 + 0.517007
flgN SPA1680 flagella synthesis protein FlgNchromosome CDS1741834 423 + 0.541371
flhA SPA0955 flagellar biosynthesis proteinchromosome CDS1026785 2079 + 0.563252
flhB SPA0954 flagellar biosynthesis proteinchromosome CDS1025641 1152 + 0.557292
fliC SPA0911 flagellar biosynthesis proteinchromosome CDS989787 1488 + 0.498656
fliD SPA0910 flagellar hook-associated proteinchromosome CDS988127 1404 - 0.495726
fliE SPA0902 flagellar basal body proteinchromosome CDS982632 315 + 0.568254
fliF SPA0901 flagellar M-ring proteinchromosome CDS980724 1692 - 0.571513
fliG SPA0900 flagellar motor proteinchromosome CDS979736 996 - 0.549197
fliH SPA0899 flagellar assembly proteinchromosome CDS979036 708 - 0.608757
fliI SPA0898 flagellum-specific ATP synthasechromosome CDS977666 1371 - 0.600292
fliJ SPA0897 flagellar proteinchromosome CDS977201 444 - 0.513514
fliK SPA0896 flagellar hook-length control proteinchromosome CDS975981 1224 - 0.611928
fliL SPA0895 flagellar biosynthesis proteinchromosome CDS975409 468 - 0.547009
fliM SPA0894 flagellar motor switch proteinchromosome CDS974400 1005 - 0.534328
fliN SPA0893 flagellar motor switch proteinchromosome CDS973990 414 - 0.543478
fliO SPA0892 flagellar protein FliOchromosome CDS973613 378 - 0.608466
fliP SPA0891 flagellar biosynthesis proteinchromosome CDS972876 738 - 0.53794
fliQ SPA0890 flagellar biosynthesis proteinchromosome CDS972597 270 - 0.518519
fliR SPA0889 flagellar biosynthesis proteinchromosome CDS971794 795 - 0.513208
fliS SPA0909 flagellar protein FliSchromosome CDS987705 408 - 0.5
fljB SPA2627 flagellar biosynthesis proteinchromosome CDS2729053 1521 - 0.504931
hofB SPA0147 protein transport protein HofBchromosome CDS169549 1386 - 0.55267
hofC SPA0146 protein transport protein HofCchromosome CDS168357 1203 - 0.54281
hopD SPA3308 Type III leader peptidasechromosome CDS3403297 468 + 0.525641
invG SPA2756 secretory protein (associated with virulence)chromosome CDS2856133 1689 - 0.462996
motA SPA0945 flagellar motor proteinchromosome CDS1016354 888 + 0.511261
motB SPA0946 flagellar motor proteinchromosome CDS1017238 930 + 0.544086
orgB SPA2727 oxygen-regulated invasion proteinchromosome CDS2828343 672 - 0.446429
pilT SPA2962 Type II secretion, ATP-binding, proteinchromosome CDS3069305 981 - 0.579001
ppdA SPA2865 prepilin peptidase dependent protein A precursorchromosome CDS2974994 471 - 0.55414
ppdD SPA0148 prepilin peptidase dependent protein D precursorchromosome CDS170944 438 - 0.541096
safB SPA2463 periplasmic fimbrial chaperone proteinchromosome CDS2562231 741 - 0.476383
safC SPA2462 outer-membrane fimbrial usher proteinchromosome CDS2559697 2511 - 0.544006
sefB SPA4305 fimbrial chaperone proteinchromosome CDS4473323 753 + 0.288181
sefC SPA4306 outer membrane fimbrial usher proteinchromosome CDS4474080 2445 + 0.353783
sipB SPA2743 pathogenicity island 1 effector proteinchromosome CDS2843650 1782 - 0.523569
spaI SPA2752 type III secretion system ATPasechromosome CDS2851213 1296 - 0.543981
spaO SPA2749 type III secretion proteinchromosome CDS2848871 912 - 0.526316
spaS SPA2745 type III secretion proteinchromosome CDS2846069 1071 - 0.430439
spiA SPA1459 putative outer membrane secretory proteinchromosome CDS1530402 1494 - 0.423025
spy SPA1536 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS1609798 486 - 0.5
ssaN SPA1438 type III secretion system ATPasechromosome CDS1515306 1302 - 0.512289
ssaQ SPA1435 type III secretion proteinchromosome CDS1513622 969 - 0.459236
stbA SPA2379 probable fimbrial proteinchromosome CDS2479819 537 + 0.476723
stbB SPA2380 fimbrial chaperone proteinchromosome CDS2480417 762 + 0.450131
stbC SPA2381 outer membrane fimbrial usher proteinchromosome CDS2481162 2562 + 0.539422
stbE SPA2383 fimbrial chaperone proteinchromosome CDS2485019 759 + 0.472991
stcA SPA0700 putative fimbrial subunit proteinchromosome CDS783645 534 + 0.395131
stcB SPA0701 putative fimbrial chaperone proteinchromosome CDS784240 681 + 0.396476
stcC SPA0702 putative outer membrane usher proteinchromosome CDS784949 2487 + 0.468034
stdA SPA2897 probable fimbrial proteinchromosome CDS3008709 585 - 0.526496
stdB SPA2896 probable outer membrane fimbrial usher proteinchromosome CDS3006100 2490 - 0.609237
stdC SPA2895 probable fimbrial chaperone proteinchromosome CDS3005316 744 - 0.587366
steB SPA2813 outer membrane usher proteinchromosome CDS2913144 2646 + 0.558201
steC SPA2814 periplasmic fimbrial chaperonechromosome CDS2915802 774 + 0.54522
steF SPA2817 fimbrial subunitchromosome CDS2917583 537 + 0.480447
stfA SPA0201 putative fimbrial subunitchromosome CDS234923 561 + 0.518717
stfD SPA0203 putative periplasmic fimbrial chaperonechromosome CDS238244 753 + 0.535193
sthA SPA4405 putative fimbrial proteinchromosome CDS4580651 546 - 0.501832
sthB SPA4404 putative fimbrial chaperone proteinchromosome CDS4579897 684 - 0.459064
sthC SPA4403 putative fimbrial usher proteinchromosome CDS4577314 2538 - 0.471237
sthD SPA4402 putative fimbrial subunitchromosome CDS4576739 558 - 0.5
sthE SPA4401 putative major fimbrial subunitchromosome CDS4575613 1086 - 0.518416
stkA SPA0185 major fimbrial subunitchromosome CDS214375 606 - 0.463696
stkB SPA0184 putative fimbriae; chaparonechromosome CDS213536 753 - 0.463479
stkC SPA0183 outer membrane usher proteinchromosome CDS210871 2598 - 0.515396
stkG SPA0179 putative fimbrial proteinchromosome CDS207989 1062 - 0.503766
tcfC SPA2453 outermembrane fimbrial usher proteinchromosome CDS2549942 2688 - 0.53683
tcp SPA3428 methyl-accepting chemotaxis citrate transducerchromosome CDS3535668 1644 + 0.555353
tsr SPA4354 methyl-accepting chemotaxis protein I, serine sensor receptorchromosome CDS4530442 1662 + 0.546931
yifL SPA3787 putative lipoproteinchromosome CDS3930237 204 + 0.534314
yrfC SPA3356 hypothetical proteinchromosome CDS3450925 540 - 0.587037